UPDATED Fire, Salt, and Peace: Intentional Christian Communities Alive in North America by David Janzen purchase cheap free writer library

UPDATED Fire, Salt, and Peace: Intentional Christian Communities Alive in North America by David Janzen purchase cheap free writer library

UPDATED Fire, Salt, and Peace: Intentional Christian Communities Alive in North America by David Janzen purchase cheap free writer

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Book description
Here, in one volume, you can gain a birds eye view of communities that survived the 80s. Part directory, part anthology, and part introduction to communal living, this is probably the best guide to Christian communities in the US and Canada on the market.The main body of the text is based on survey material sent to the editor from the groups he chose to feature, which allows the reader to hear community members themselves. Includes several insightful essays, on communal living, and on the probable roots of community failure and success.
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