UPDATED Fever by Christine Feehan (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

UPDATED Fever by Christine Feehan (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

UPDATED Fever by Christine Feehan (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

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Book description
In Wild Rain and the novella The Awakening, Christine Feehan created an exotic, sensual race-the Leopard People. Fever brings the two stories together for the first time in one volume, a one-way ticket to a dizzying new world of desire.In The Awakening, a beautiful naturalists dream comes true-to live among the feral jungle creatures. But an untamed, irresistible beast of another sort inspires her to explore her own wild side. Wild Rains Rachel Lospostros has escaped from a faceless assassin and found sanctuary thousands of miles from home, under the towering jungle canopy. In this world teeming with unusual creatures she encounters Rio, a native of the forest imbued with a fierce prowess, and possessed of secrets of his own. When Rio unleashes the secret animal instincts that course through his blood, Rachel must decide if he is something to be feared-or desired.
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