UPDATED Double Punch by Tilly Greene (Goodreads Author) fb2 phone kickass download audio

UPDATED Double Punch by Tilly Greene (Goodreads Author) fb2 phone kickass download audio

UPDATED Double Punch by Tilly Greene (Goodreads Author) fb2 phone kickass download audio

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Book description
out-of-printMount Olympus is buzzing with activity - the challenge for immortality is on! Castor and Pollux, universally known as the twins who arent really twins, have been existing amongst the stars as the Gemini constellation for years. Without any warning, Zeus pulls them from the sky, and offers both men a second chance at immortality. The challenge is simple: they have one year on Earth to find their true mates. Every type of woman crosses their paths and while they make up for lost time when it comes to seeking sexual gratification, none of their partners complete them. None, that is, until they meet the stunning woman who they both claim as a mate. Anissa George knows how lucky she was to be adopted as a child from a Bhutanese orphanage. Her family heaped love, an understanding that there was nothing wrong with being different, and to always live life to the fullest. To do that, she put an educational computer game concept together, and the company she wants to work with, took on her project. Once she settled the work issue, it was time to pay attention to her non-existent love life. Before she can look for a date, two men who fit her perfectly arrive at her side, asking her to choose one. Impossible. WARNING: The fire starts with one on one loving and then the flames rage out of control when they become three.
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