UPDATED Daily Life in the Time of Jesus by Henri Daniel-Rops amazon italian book portable writer

UPDATED Daily Life in the Time of Jesus by Henri Daniel-Rops amazon italian book portable writer

UPDATED Daily Life in the Time of Jesus by Henri Daniel-Rops amazon italian book portable writer

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Book description
Another research book ... marking it read because Ill be dipping in and out. Actually, this book has turned into my go to bedtime reading, especially when my fiction reading is so exciting that it will give me unsettled dreams. This look at daily life in ancient times is both soothing and fascinating. The author has a way of connecting the dots and comparing those times to our life today (or in 1958 when it was written) which helps one see that those people were not so very different from us ... even if the technical things of life were very different.FINALSimply fantastic. Highly recommended for anyone who is interested in just what the title says, daily life in the time of Jesus. This covers government, society, family, food, art, travel, clothing, and more.
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