UPDATED Crochet Mandalas by Marinke Slump read doc pocket how read book

UPDATED Crochet Mandalas by Marinke Slump read doc pocket how read book

UPDATED Crochet Mandalas by Marinke Slump read doc pocket how read book

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Book description
Beautiful book with easy-to-follow instructions. This would make a great gift for your favorite family crochet guru! — Old Musty BooksBeautiful crochet mandalas from a talented young woman. Easy to follow patterns with accompanying photographs. Highly recommend. — Caroline LibraryThese 20 original patterns offer crocheters a variety of projects, each centered on a mandala motif. Combining beauty with practicality, the items include homewares such as a table cover, coasters, rug, and cushion, along with a vest, shrug, and other wearable art. All are worked in lovely colors inspired by nature, from the Flower in the Sun Pincushion and Summer Solstice Sunrise Blanket to the Leaves and Berries Bag and the Singing Daisies Garland.Each pattern is charted and accompanied by gorgeous color photographs of the finished product. Instructions include lists of supplies and abbreviations, plus explanations of special stitches and gauge. Skill levels range from simple to advanced, providing an exciting array of possibilities for novices as well as experienced crocheters.
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