UPDATED Creeds of Christendom, 3 Vols by Philip Schaff torrent read offline audio text

UPDATED Creeds of Christendom, 3 Vols by Philip Schaff torrent read offline audio text

UPDATED Creeds of Christendom, 3 Vols by Philip Schaff torrent read offline audio text

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Book description
Schaff was Reformed and yet a truly ecumenical figure. Theologically, he stands in between teh Anabaptists who now dominate Evangelicalism and Roman Catholics. He is also a discerning but eclectic spirit, willing to lift up and affirm solid catholic teaching from any source. He was part of the Mercersburg movement within the German Reformed Church in the US. This meant he had a special affinity for high liturgy, church tradition, and Romantic sensibilities. He also served at then-Presbyterian Union Seminary in Manhattan. He died in 1893. His fifth and final edition of this work (actually unchanged from the 4th edition) came out in 1884. His son David, a professor at Presbyterian seminaries, made some changes and updates for a 6th edition in 1931. And yet this three volume work bears continued use. In fact, Id rank it among the top 100 books any thinking Xian or pastor ought to own. Volume one offers a beefy 934pp. history of creeds. Volume two is 650 pages of Greek and Latin creeds with the origonal languages and English translation in parallel columns. Volume three is 960pp. of evangelical Protestant creed texts. Son Davids mark is seen in the inclusion of updates, such as the 1903 Northern Presbyterian alterations of Westminster, a 1913 Congregationalist creed, etc. Each volume is indexed and extremely well outlined. Baker has not given these books the kind of binding they deserve. Simply photoduplicated from the 1931 public-domain Harper and Row printing, the typeface is somewhat thin and faded and slightly reduced. The paper of my copies printed in 1993 has held up well, with no signs of yellowing. The volumes are sewn, -- much better than glued, and the covers are sturdy (if a tacky blue and gold leatheret). Despite limitations, this is a MUST HAVE. BTW -- a surprisingly good apologetic for creeds can be found in the opening chapter of Luke Timothy Johnson (mildly conservative, neo-orthodox Roman Catholic at Emory U.)s book on the Apostles Creed (2003?). Dorothy Sayers classic Creeds or Chaos is also very good on the need for creeds.
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