UPDATED Creature Features: The Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Movie Guide by John Stanley ios tom acquire free audio

UPDATED Creature Features: The Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Movie Guide by John Stanley ios tom acquire free audio

UPDATED Creature Features: The Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Movie Guide by John Stanley ios tom acquire free audio

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Book description
With smash-hit films like The Blair Witch Project, The Sixth Sense, and The Phantom Menace breaking Hollywood records, its obvious that sci-fi, fantasy and horror films are back--and bigger than ever before.Updated to include the most recent movie mega-hits, Creature Features has it all--the shockers, schlockers, blockbusters, bombs, cult faves, rare gems, classics, groundbreakers, gorefests, space operas, sorcery, Euro-splatter, and everything in between. From features, made-for-televsion, and straight-to-video, here are all the films you love and hate; the films you forgot about and never knew existed. Horror and science fiction fans will find films that matter and films that splatter in one critical and humorous guide.Featuring * Thousands of capsulized reviews * A five-star rating system * Hundreds of obscure and rare titles * Video distribution informaton (including mail order) *Cross-references to secondary titles, sequels and tricky retitlings * And more.
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