UPDATED Cowboys Wanted by Lynn Stark (Goodreads Author) spanish information doc read prewiew

UPDATED Cowboys Wanted by Lynn Stark (Goodreads Author) spanish information doc read prewiew

UPDATED Cowboys Wanted by Lynn Stark (Goodreads Author) spanish information doc read prewiew

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Book description
[Ménage Amour ManLove: Erotic Alternative Cowboy Ménage a Quatre Romance, M/M/M/M, HEA]Luke Russell and Benny Bean travelled across the country to follow their dream of having a completely new life. Benny wants to be a cowboy and Luke is determined to see that it becomes a reality. They had been together for years, first as friends, then as lovers. There is only one thing that could put an end to their dreams, Benny’s flawed heart.Brothers Tanner and Sebastian Marsh found Luke and Benny during a snowstorm. As they traveled home they nearly hit the two as they sat at the edge of the road. It was a moment that would change their lives forever as they saved two men and found a love they didn’t want. They had a shared past with a man who had left them scarred and reluctant to commit to anyone else. They came to love Benny and Luke, but didn’t know if they could give them more.http://www.bookstrand.com/cowboys-wanted
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