UPDATED Cowboy Cocktails: Boot Scootin Beverages and Tasty Vittles from the Wild West by Grady Spears read flibusta via information eng

UPDATED Cowboy Cocktails: Boot Scootin Beverages and Tasty Vittles from the Wild West by Grady Spears read flibusta via information eng

UPDATED Cowboy Cocktails: Boot Scootin Beverages and Tasty Vittles from the Wild West by Grady Spears read flibusta via information

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Book description

Book description
Cowboys may be tough and gritty, but their beverages can be as smooth and refreshing as a mornin sunrise. Fishin with a Worm, Drugstore Cowboy Shake, Branding Iron -- these are just a few of the thirst-quenching libations served up in COWBOY COCKTAILS, the best drink collection this side of the muddy Mississippi. Step into the world of hot days, hard work, and dusty afternoons, and treat yourself to a bona fide cowboy cocktail straight from the heart of Texas. This is the perfect partner to the cookbook A COWBOY IN THE KITCHEN by Grady Spears.
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