UPDATED Color the Sidewalk for Me by Brandilyn Collins (Goodreads Author) download book epub

UPDATED Color the Sidewalk for Me by Brandilyn Collins (Goodreads Author) download book epub

UPDATED Color the Sidewalk for Me by Brandilyn Collins (Goodreads Author) download book epub

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A powerful and emotionally charged story,Color the Sidewalk for Me,is one of those books that you dont want to read unless you have a box of tissues nearby. By the time you are done with this book, youll find yourself in tears and smiling and filling interwined with the characters as if they are flesh and blood. Set in the small town of Bradleyville, Kentucky, the main character, Celia Matthews, finds herself returning home to help her father recover from a debilitating stroke, only to discover herself being set on a path of healing herself. Centered around the scripture verse,Matthew 11:28-29, you find yourself by the middle of the book, become so captivated by the characters and so caught up with the estranged relationship between Celia and her mother, that its hard not to feeel completely pulled in to the storys tale of how Gods forgiveness is bigger than all of us. The story seamlessly moves from the past to the present and back to the present with strong character development of both the major and minor characters whose lives are interwoven with each other. There is amazing character dynamics that are carefully written out and even though the story builds up with flashbacks from the past to the present, the story build up is done in such a way, that you feel a part of the story. By the middle of the book, I found myself, having to stop long enough to get tissues , because of the tears that were welling up and feeling that longing pang in my heart as I found myself caught up with both the pain and the love of the characters of,Color the Sidewalk for Me. The feel of a small town and more than anything, the intimacy of the characters, makes it so easy to quickly become attached and caught up in their lives and feeling that they could be anyone you know in real life. Throughout the time I was reading the book, I couldnt help but think of how much it is a reminder that we could try to run from the hurts in our lives, but eventually, there comes a time when we need to learn to give it to our Heavenly Father and allow Him to enter our lives and heal us and part of that is, as He has forgiven us, so we need to forgive others and ourselves. By the time I was finished, I couldnt stop crying. Color the Sidewalk for Me just captured the essence of Matthew 11:28-29 and more than anything was the subtle but powerful punch that Ms. Collins characters delivered Gods message of forgiveness and there is nothing too big for Him to handle. Color the Sidewalk for Me just reminds the reader throughout that eventually we have to face our hurts and through His forgiveness, forgive others and ourselves, all to His Glory. It is a heart-wrenching read because it is just such a powerful reminder how much God does understand our hurts and how as much as we want to try to think we are in control, were not, He has bigger and better plans for us, and sometimes, it is through others that He helps us heal. This is a book that I would recommend with a box of tissues to anyone who may have feel like that there is nothing our Heavenly Father can forgive, or may have found themselves, wounded either large or small and thinking there is no hope at the end of the tunnel. Color the Sidewalk for Me is a reminder that there is always hope in and through Jesus Christ. This is the first time I have read anything by Brandilyn Collins, and it had me wanting to read more in the series, though when I do, I definetely will have to make sure I have a box of tissues nearby so I could try to work on finish reading if the tears didnt get in the way first. Be forewarn. You will smile. You will cry (oh you will cry so highly recommend the box of tissues) and it is promised that you will smile and cry when you are done, but more than anything, Color the Sidewalk for Me will have you turning to God and just saying to Him,I am Yours, Lord. This is definitely worth checking out of the library, buying for yourself, giving as a gift to someone who loves to read, maybe someone you know who is dealing with past (or present) hurts and need to know that God does love them and not only has forgiven them, but also wants them to learn from His forgiveness to forgive others too. Color the Sidewalk for Me is part of the Bradlyeville Series and if the rest is anything like Color the Sidewalk for Me, Im going to need a lot of tissues. This is a book that I want to add to my bookshelf and just pull out to re-read again and again.
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