UPDATED Cats Eye Corner by Terry Griggs read italian buy touch direct link

UPDATED Cats Eye Corner by Terry Griggs read italian buy touch direct link

UPDATED Cats Eye Corner by Terry Griggs read italian buy touch direct link

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Book description
Short-listed for Mr. Christies Book Award, the Red Cedar Book Award, and a Canadian Childrens Book Centre Our Choice selection, this adventure begins when Olivier goes to spend his summer vacation at Cats Eye Corner, the very strange home of his grandfather and his new bride, Sylvia de Whosit of Whatsit -- a reported witch. Olivier discovers a mansion filled with shifting rooms, doors with mirrored keyholes, and talking shrubbery. The chief culprits are the Inklings -- word fairies that wreak havoc on language, much to the chagrin of the cats who have been changed from pets to poets! Olivier finds himself embroiled in a magical scavenger hunt to recover a fantastical book buried in Nevermore Lake. Along the way, he meets members of the So-So Gang, a talking pen named Murray Shaeffer, a swarm of French-speaking flies, a girl named Linnette who can channel the wind, and a boy named Fathom who lives in the river. Filled with characters that pop in and out of the story, Cats Eye Corner is a cleverly written novel with much of the fun derived from wordplay -- puns, literary allusions, and misspellings.
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