UPDATED Catch Me If You Can by L.B. Gregg (Goodreads Author) review online text mp3 fb2

UPDATED Catch Me If You Can by L.B. Gregg (Goodreads Author) review online text mp3 fb2

UPDATED Catch Me If You Can by L.B. Gregg (Goodreads Author) review online text mp3 fb2

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Book description
snappy and fun, but irksome in the way all of greggs books irk me.romanos prissiness and hysteria make for a fun voice, but not, you know, all the time.albrights a cipher. aside from being hot and bossy, i see no reason to care.the mystery is slight but pleasant; when youre reading a caper, you hardly want to do any heavy lifting to keep track of things, so i appreciated that.mostly what kept this from being a total success for me were the characters, who seemed, nearly all of them—im serious—incredibly annoying people entirely consumed with status and money.unless they were eyetalians, which, ok. whatever.some of my citys stereotypes are richly deserved.so:ultimately fun, and you bet your ass i snatched-up the sequel at once, but after a while the POV felt so connecticut-typical i started feeling really grossed-out and faintly anxious, like id taken the wrong exit off I-95 and felt a sudden compulsion to constantly check my rear-view mirror, on account of being in imminent danger of being pulled-over by Fairfields Finest due to a busted taillight in a neighborhood too calculatedly rustic for my Honda Civic. and did the baddie have to be (view spoiler)[a trans girl (hide spoiler)]
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