UPDATED Caribbean Blues & Loves Genealogy by Dannabang Kuwabong sale selling read how to itunes

UPDATED Caribbean Blues & Loves Genealogy by Dannabang Kuwabong sale selling read how to itunes

UPDATED Caribbean Blues & Loves Genealogy by Dannabang Kuwabong sale selling read how to itunes

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Book description

Book description
Poetry. African American Studies. In this collection, Kuwabong celebrates love--love for the people of the Caribbean and love between lovers. In the first part of the book, the love that is celebrated emerges from a deep sense of historical reconnection with the poets African ancestors who were taken captive and sent to the Caribbean. The poems perform a retrospective search for the roots that his African ancestors planted in the new world without romanticizing their struggles, defeats, and victories. In the second part, Kuwabong takes the reader through a maze of relationships complicated by expectations and disappointments. The city of Hamilton, Ontario especially provides the social and physical landscapes that initiate the personaes responses to love made tricky by the extreme challenges of the mundane.
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