UPDATED Cannoneers in Gray: The Field Artillery of the Army of Tennessee by Larry J. Daniel store free djvu information bookshop

UPDATED Cannoneers in Gray: The Field Artillery of the Army of Tennessee by Larry J. Daniel store free djvu information bookshop

UPDATED Cannoneers in Gray: The Field Artillery of the Army of Tennessee by Larry J. Daniel store free djvu information bookshop

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Book description

Book description
This enlarged edition of Cannoneers in Gray provides new detail concerning the activities of various military units operating in key campaigns of the western theater of the Civil War - at Stones River, Missionary Ridge, Kennesaw Mountain, Shiloh, Peachtree Creek. Larry Daniel traces the four-year history of the artillery branch of the Army of Tennessee from its organization through its scattered demise at the wars end. He provides evidence to show that Civil War canons were of little consequence when used as offensive weapons but could be highly effective as weapons of defense. Daniel includes five new detailed maps of campaigns and battles that are central to his discussion of larger issues, such as command and strategy on the western front. He has consulted and incorporated many new primary sources that more fully document his original work, first published in 1984.
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