UPDATED Caged Sanctuary by Tempeste O'Riley (Goodreads Author) ebay spanish ebook book page

UPDATED Caged Sanctuary by Tempeste O'Riley (Goodreads Author) ebay spanish ebook book page

UPDATED Caged Sanctuary by Tempeste O'Riley (Goodreads Author) ebay spanish ebook book page

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Book description
Now that shes living with her adopted family, Kajitsu has new friends at school and shes beginning to feel more normal. Flashbacks delve into Natsus complicated past, centering on Subaru, his cousin with whom he lived until their grade-rivalry became too serious. Kajitsu enters another questionable romance, this time with her calligraphy teacher. Overall, the drama heats up; the flashbacks allow plenty of beneficial character development for Natsu, who was otherwise too cold and uncaring earlier. The budding romance between him and Kajitsu is still questionably incest, but the family lines - as well as the romantic ones - are blurred for this mismatched family.Its a cute read, though the fact that everyone likes Kajitsu is a little unrealistic - the teacher is willing to bring her on a date, Natsu has a crush, and Tokihito still likes her. Its a lot to stomach considering she seemed to be a total loner with no friends or romantic interests before her grandmother died and her step-brothers came back into her life.The art is good and I especially like the Natsu/Kajitsu picture on the back cover of my edition.
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