UPDATED Blood in the Glens: True Crimes from the Scottish Highlands by Jean McLennan download pdf

UPDATED Blood in the Glens: True Crimes from the Scottish Highlands by Jean McLennan download pdf

UPDATED Blood in the Glens: True Crimes from the Scottish Highlands by Jean McLennan download pdf

> READ BOOK > The Detox Prescription: Supercharge Your Health, Strip Away Pounds, and Eliminate the Toxins Within

> ONLINE BOOK > The Detox Prescription: Supercharge Your Health, Strip Away Pounds, and Eliminate the Toxins Within

> DOWNLOAD BOOK > The Detox Prescription: Supercharge Your Health, Strip Away Pounds, and Eliminate the Toxins Within

Book description

Book description
The human body has an extraordinary ability to detoxify itself. We rely on this system when we wait for a hangover to lift or recover from a bout of food poisoning. However, cutting-edge science is revealing how toxic exposures can actually affect our genes and lead to conditions such as obesity, diabetes, arthritis, mood disorders, energy, allergies, fertility, and heart disease—all of which are on the rise.The good news is that each of us can optimize this natural cleansing system for better health, greater energy, and efficient weight loss. In The Detox Prescription, Dr. Merrell draws on new research to help readers assess their own toxic risk factors and health deficiencies. Next, he and Mary Beth Augustine, RD, offer more than 75 delicious and nutrient-rich recipes incorporating juices and whole foods, broken into 3-, 7-, and 21-day cleanses. Dr. Merrell’s holistic approach also relies on light yoga practices, basic self-care, beginning meditation, and sleep hygiene to reset body, mind, and spiritand take control of our genetic destiny.
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