UPDATED Black God, Vol. 12 by Dall-Young Lim txt online

UPDATED Black God, Vol. 12 by Dall-Young Lim txt online

UPDATED Black God, Vol. 12 by Dall-Young Lim txt online

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Book description
In spite of weeks of training with Keita, Kuro crumbles at the reappearance of the mototsumitama Aragi. But just as Kuro is prepared to submit to death, someone calls out to her from deep within her...In the midst of her terror, Kuro feels the presence of Keitas grandfather and Kakuma, who died protecting their home in Okinawa, as well as her mother, who saved Kuro in her final hour. Their actions helped fortify Kuro in the past, but will their words give her the strength she needs to draw upon the full extent of her power and defeat her most feared enemy?
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