UPDATED Between Dusk and Dawn by Lynn Emery (Goodreads Author) download book free mobi

UPDATED Between Dusk and Dawn by Lynn Emery (Goodreads Author) download book free mobi

UPDATED Between Dusk and Dawn by Lynn Emery (Goodreads Author) download book free mobi

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Book description
LaShaun Rousselle is as famous, and infamous, as her ancestors for being a psychic and voodoo expert. After a bad girl life shes finally settled down in her small hometown of Beau Chene, Louisiana. Shes content to have a few true friends, and a new love with Deputy Chase Broussard, the chief criminal investigator with the Vermillion Parish Sheriff Department. LaShaun is determined to live simply and quietly, no more trouble. But trouble arrives on her doorstep in the unlikely form of two middle-aged ladies bearing unsettling suspicions about weird happenings in the parish. In short order LaShaun and Chase are once again caught up in trying to stop gruesome killings with a supernatural connection to the notorious Blood River Ripper.
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