UPDATED Batman: Faces by Matt Wagner no registration doc spanish store book

UPDATED Batman: Faces by Matt Wagner no registration doc spanish store book

UPDATED Batman: Faces by Matt Wagner no registration doc spanish store book

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Sometimes in life, you come across things at just the right time. Such was the case with Faces, a 19 year old 3-part Legends of the Dark Knight story by Matt Wagner. I missed this arc when it was originally published (I cant say now why that is), but managed to find all three issues sometime in the last year and I finally got around to reading it last night. Harvey Dent (Two-Face) escapes from Arkham Asylum, and resurfaces two years later at the same time that Bruce Wayne is trying to broker a deal to purchase a small island off French Guiana. Someone else is determined to lay claim to that island, though, and while the Batman hunts Two-Face, Bruce Wayne has to find out who his competitor is.I rarely discuss spoilers but in this instance I find it difficult to properly explore the reason why this story resonated with me without delving into some of the important material so if youve not read Faces you can stop reading now. Otherwise, Ill assume youre on board.As it turns out, Two-Face himself is Bruces competition for the island; he intends to repatriate several freaks there to live away from the superficial mainstream society. His intention is actually quite admirable; this is not a Two-Face trying to punish Gotham City. Rather, it is Harvey Dent trying to start fresh somewhere else...in the company of people around whom he feels comfortable. (Never mind that he abducted all of the other people he planned to take with him; thats as incidental to me as it was to Harvey.)I found it curious that Harvey did not feel comfortable at Arkham in the company of other members of Batmans Rogues Gallery. One would imagine a sort of fraternity of supervillains might inevitably develop but instead, Harvey wishes to hole up on an island surrounded only by people as disfigured as he is. I had a much better time of connecting with other patients during my recent hospitalization, but of course I was there voluntarily and not because I had committed major crimes that demanded the attention of the Dark Knight. In any event, I found myself empathizing with Harvey in a way I wouldnt have been able to a few weeks ago.Sure, Ive always found the character tragic but throughout this specific story, I shared Harveys desire to just retreat from society and be around only others similar to himself. Having Crohns disease, and valuing my online network of other Crohnies, I can appreciate this longing of his. I wouldnt want to live on an island with just other Crohnies, but I understand why it meant so much to him to be around similar people. He zigs where I zag, though, in that I was able to connect with other patients and emerged from my treatment desiring to engage society.Matt Wagners story is terrific, laden with myriad nuances. A subplot involving the seduction of the real estate broker and the blackmailing of the island owner isnt much of a mystery but its well done and there are some surprises in the third act. Wagners art is particularly impressive and while I could cite numerous examples (including a costume ball beginning on page 4 full of familiar faces), the one page that stands out most to me is page 15 of issue #28. Bruce jogs around a track negotiating with the seller and Realtor, and Wagner presents nine panels of conversation within the track. Its a particularly inspired layout, and one of the cleverer pages Ive seen in a very long time.
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