UPDATED Baking with Agave Nectar: Over 100 Recipes Using Natures Ultimate Sweetener by Ania Catalano shop text get read author

UPDATED Baking with Agave Nectar: Over 100 Recipes Using Natures Ultimate Sweetener by Ania Catalano shop text get read author

UPDATED Baking with Agave Nectar: Over 100 Recipes Using Natures Ultimate Sweetener by Ania Catalano shop text get read author

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Book description

Book description
If you havent discovered agave nectar, youre in for a delectable surprise. This natural, low-glycemic sweetener is a revelation for diabetics, parents of young children, and anyone else who wants to cut down on refined sugar but still enjoy deep, real, satisfying sweetness.  Baking with Agave Nectar is bursting with more than 100 recipes for muffins, sweet breads, cookies, cakes, ice creams and sorbets, pies and tarts, sauces and frostings, and other special desserts. With scrumptious gluten-free, vegan, low-fat (or nonfat), and whole foods–based treats, as well as healthier (but still decadent tasting) versions of old favorites, there is truly something here for everyone. An ample glossary and resources section--with ingredients used in whole foods, vegan, and gluten-free baking--will help you make all your desserts a little (or a lot) healthier.  Once you start baking with agave nectar, youll find endless possibilities for adding utterly delicious sweet treats to a healthy diet.
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