UPDATED Autism Spectrum Disorder: Perspectives from Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience by Susan P. Sherkow selling mobile read italian txt

UPDATED Autism Spectrum Disorder: Perspectives from Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience by Susan P. Sherkow selling mobile read italian txt

UPDATED Autism Spectrum Disorder: Perspectives from Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience by Susan P. Sherkow selling mobile read italian

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Book description
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Perspectives from Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, offers a guide to understanding and treating the ASD toddler from the dual perspectives of psychoanalysis and neurofunction through describing in great detail intensive treatments of four children who began therapy as toddlers. The authors hypothesize that dyadic therapy and Reflective Network Therapy can impact a child by modifying the biochemistry of the brain, resulting in alteration of emotion and cognition. Their chapter on neurobiological mechanisms of change describes these hypotheses in depth.
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