UPDATED Auriel Rising by Elizabeth Redfern store read format android how to

UPDATED Auriel Rising by Elizabeth Redfern store read format android how to

UPDATED Auriel Rising by Elizabeth Redfern store read format android how to

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Book description
To Auriel, I will give the gift of gold.After the night of long and false captivity, the golden SUN is about to rise, and all this by the power of the Stone, lapis ex caelis; for be sure that as Auriel rises the LION shall fall.Qui non intelligit aut discat aut taceat.Thus starts a letter young Ned Warriner, a Catholic sympathiser returned home from a self-imposed exile, finds in a book he wins in a game of dice.Ned comes back to England after hearing that his lover Kate has married a recusant hunter Francis Pelham.A former servant of the Earl of Northampton, Ned once again joins his service, determined to make his fortunes in England.The letter, seemingly instructions for an alchemist for the creation of the illusive Philosophers Stone, mystifies Ned, so he decides to follow the instructions.But everytime he mention the Auriel letter to someone - a blacksmith, a self-professed alchemist, a silver worker - they are all killed after bragging about the letter themselves - by a group of sinister men lead by a fellow with a strange voice.At court, Henry, the Prince of Wales, and his councillor John Lovett have their own plans for England and the gardner Stephen Humphreys, a former prisoner of the Spanish,knowledgable in the effects stars have on the growth of plants, especially mulberry trees, plays not an inconsidarable role in them.Meanwhile, at the Tower, an accused traitor Walter Raleigh, awaits the day of his enfranchisement, confident in the knowledge of a plan to that effect, meant to be delivered to him in a letter written by a fellow favourite of the late queen, the alchemist John Dee.There are books Ive read recently that are so impossible to put down, written in such a clever and original way that it is a great mystery to me why they have not recieved the recognition they deserve, how is it that they are not international bestsellers.I dont like to say that, in the improbable case the author might stumble upon this review and feel slighted and unappreciated.But this is one of those books.Im not sure I knew what an atmospheric book was until I began reading this one, knowing nothing of the period other than it must have been very austere and Cromwellian, everyone wearing black and fornication was out of fashion.Redfern masterly and (seemingly) effortlessly invokes the time and the place, London 1609, 5 years after the Gunpowder Plot, a time of gangs and conspiracies, of persecusion of Catholics and fears of the Spanish.The book is full of English humour and unforgetable characters.I cannot recommend it highly enough.
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