UPDATED Attention: A Neuropsychological Approach (Psychology Focus) by Antony Ward book txt online

UPDATED Attention: A Neuropsychological Approach (Psychology Focus) by Antony Ward book txt online

UPDATED Attention: A Neuropsychological Approach (Psychology Focus) by Antony Ward book txt online

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Book description
Attention: A Neuropsychological Approach provides a fascinating overview of the neuropsychological aspects of attention, revealing how we select our information, divide our attention and control our focus of interest. Through fully integrating cognitive neuropsychological perspectives on attention, Anthony Ward demonstrates how each approach can illuminate the other. Examples are provided to show how the application of theories of attention can help to further our understanding of conditions such as dementia, schizophrenia, head injury and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This clear introduction will be of great interest to undergraduates studying neuropsychology, clinical psychology, occupational therapy and mental health nursing.
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