UPDATED Already Home by Susan Mallery (Goodreads Author) tablet access book sale value

UPDATED Already Home by Susan Mallery (Goodreads Author) tablet access book sale value

UPDATED Already Home by Susan Mallery (Goodreads Author) tablet access book sale value

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Book description
After nearly a decade as a sous-chef in a trendy eatery, Jenna is desperate for a change. Shes supported her ex-husbands dreams for so long that she cant even remember her own. Until she sees a for-lease sign near her parents home and envisions her very own cooking store.Her crash course in business is aided by a streetwise store manager and Jennas adoptive mother. But just as shes gaining a foothold in her new life, in walk her birth parents—aging hippies on a quest to reconnect with their firstborn.Now Jenna must figure out how to reconcile the free-spirited Serenity and Tom with her traditional parents, deal with her feelings for a new love interest and decide what to do about her exs latest outrageous request. In the end, Jenna will find that there is no perfect family, only the people we love….
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