UPDATED Aline by Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz english free german bookshop reading

UPDATED Aline by Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz english free german bookshop reading

UPDATED Aline by Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz english free german bookshop reading

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Canton Vaud, SwitzerlandMon intention nétait pas, en écrivant Aline, de composer, au sens strict, un roman - mais plutôt dimiter la vie, jusque dans ce quelle a de traînant et dindécis. (letter to Edouard Rod, 1904.)(*)In a small village in the Suisse romande, the French speaking portion of Switzerland, an innocent seventeen year old girl falls in love with a young man who has already had his flings in neighboring villages; she gives him everything and he tires of it. But she is pregnant, the village is tiny, and it is the turn of the 20th century.How many times have we heard that story? Its one of the most basic stories Humankind has in its repertoire, because with every new generation it repeats again and again and again.Does that make it boring? Perhaps, but when it is told with the sensitivity and sincerity Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz (1878-1947) manifested in his first novel, Aline (1905), one reads it again with real engagement. Though later in his career Ramuz would develop a distinctly modernist style, for this novel he wrote in a very straightforward manner spiced with passages that remind the reader that his first book was a collection of poetry. He certainly delivered a convincing imitation of life in Aline.One wonders whether the portrait of the consequences - carried solely by Aline, her mother and her child, but not in the least by the father of the child - might have touched some hearts, might have caused a reader or two to consider the possibility that something was not right here. On the other hand, at exactly the same time in the United States the publication of Theodore Dreisers Sister Carrie was delayed for eleven years because the extramarital relations were too, well, you know. (*) It wasnt my intention, when writing Aline, to compose, in the strict sense, a novel, but rather to imitate life to the point of including its laziness and indecision.
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