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UPDATED A Long Finish by Michael Dibdin store download purchase reader phone

UPDATED A Long Finish by Michael Dibdin store download purchase reader phone

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Book description
Dibdins senior detective, Aurelio Zen, is a modern guy who often has to deal with traditional Italian: politics, bureaucracy, relationships, customs, etc.This isnt the first of Dibdins Zen novels, but it is the first that I have read. (He has written almost a dozen.) Zen is a quirky member of the Italian State Police. He ruffles a lot of feathers with his crime-solving techniques and he is often placed in situations that no one else would want. I have seen all three Zen made-for-TV movies and the Zen I saw portrayed by Rufus Sewell is not at variance with Dibdins characterization.In other books, if the movies are any guide, we learn a lot about Zens relationship with his mother, his girlfriends, and his demons. This story is simplified, in that respect, with Zen sent to the rural Piedmont, more to find a reason to release the accused, than to solve the murder he is accused of. Politics and wealth allow someone who fancies this accuseds wine-making skills to want him back in his vineyard without delay for what could be a memorable harvest. Wines are priced by where the grapes are grown and this often has more to do with their value then their taste. It is a sad state of affairs that isnt limited to Italy, but some vintners will try to pass off grapes as being their higher-priced cousins. This can mean a 10-fold to 100-fold increase in value so there is plenty of motivation to do so.Having little choice, Zen embarks for Alba and the little village where fine red wines are created. We are treated to some picturesque language and rural gastronomy. Idiosyncratic characters abound and Zen has to wade through their personalities to uncover a history that goes back generations. The plot is very convoluted, but worthwhile for me because the terroir (to use a french wine-making word) is so interesting and somewhat familiar. Though, Dibdin may make his dialogue overly flowery, at times, it seemed to keep me in the moment and make the result very satisfactory.
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