UPDATED A Heart of Winter by Ayako Miura free store eng pc online

UPDATED A Heart of Winter by Ayako Miura free store eng pc online

UPDATED A Heart of Winter by Ayako Miura free store eng pc online

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Book description
This was the first of Ayako Miuras books that I read. I completed it in one evening, and immediately after finishing it, told myself that I must read this again. According to information in the book, it is a semi-autobiographical account of the author. Kiyomi, the fictional main character in the story, wrote the text for the book when her pastor asked her to write a profession of faith. Her story tells of how deeply she was hurt as a child and how the guilt that hung over her gradually grew into hatred & bitterness -- Hatred of her insecure mother - a prostitute, hatred of a man she imagined she could trust, but found in reality was a perverted abuser. Her hatred grew to include even herself.This book impressed a couple of things on me in a very real way. One was that prostitutes are real people with real souls. At the time I read this book, this concept impacted me very deeply.I was also surprised at the depths of emotion expressed by the books narrator. I tend to forget that just like me, Japanese people are capable of deep emotions, deep sins, deep deep hurts & layer upon layer of emotion.In this book, even Kiyomis dearest friend didnt hear or perceive all the layers of hurt that were callousing Kiyomis heart -- only God knew.I think one thing that really sticks with me even now so many years after reading the book is the role that a random woman played in Kiyomis life. This stranger met little Kiyomi one day when she had been locked out of her home for the afternoon so that her mom could host a male visitor. The woman taught Kiyomi some songs about Jesus. They met at future times too, and in their little chance meetings, tiny seeds were planted that eventually grew to spark further interest and eventual conversion in the Lord. Very inspiring!
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