UPDATED A Child in Prison Camp by Shizuye Takashima pdf ibooks iphone

UPDATED A Child in Prison Camp by Shizuye Takashima pdf ibooks iphone

UPDATED A Child in Prison Camp by Shizuye Takashima pdf ibooks iphone

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Book description
When Shizuye Takashima, “Shichan” as she was called, was eleven years old, her entire world changed forever. As a Japanese-Canadian in 1941, she was among thousands of people forced from their homes and sent to live in internment camps in the Canadian Rockies. Although none had been convicted of any crime, they were considered the enemy because the country was at war with Japan. In this true story of sadness and joy, Shichan recalls her life in the days leading up to her family’s forced movement to the camp, her fear, anger, and frustration as the war drags on, and the surprising joys in the camp: a Kabuki play, holiday celebrations, and the ever-present beauty of the stars.
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