UHIVE: Innovative Social Network

UHIVE: Innovative Social Network


Hive Power is a platform that enables users to create a shared energy, called Hive, where all users benefit from investment, achieving great and ideal for the entire network. Hive Power developed an answer for create and control neighborhood nearby energy in blockchain, giving economic streamlining to members by reducing them and enhancing their assets. Working closely with meter manufacturers, Hive Power constructs ready blockchain energy meters, enabling it to energize safely.

UHIVE aims to transform social networks into something different by combining human physics and technological capabilities of Blockchain and artificial intelligence. UHIVE is able to provide a natural yet unique and highly entertaining experience. Platform commitment to enhance the interaction of individuals in groups, communities and couples can be seen from the concrete steps.

UHIVE is the most recent inventive platform that enables clients to make and demonstrate their space with advanced physical area address on the planet with the greatest space accessible to live in. Clients will have the capacity to movement, move, and break down the space effectively with the misuse of a straightforward cell phone.

UHIVE demands the current conditions, changes the informal organization and conveys it to another Era, which joins innovative capacities with human brain research to store an extraordinary, common and engaging background. UHIVE's assurance is to improve the cooperation of people inside gatherings and groups through consolidating the essential learning of social brain research and human science and improvement with our progressed blockchain innovation, which has made ready for making the world's first social platform with physical measurements.

Throughout the years in the production of another advanced interpersonal organization (UHIVE) with numerous inventive thoughts and advances, it will take after the arrival of the UHIVE token, and will utilize it as the fundamental cash to help every single computerized exchange and manufacture a strong exchanging base in the UHIIVE advanced economy.

UHIVE is novel since it doesn't depend on any outsider to utilize Tokens, (for example, affiliates, dental specialists, shops, or government money related establishments).

As the quantity of informal community clients builds, the Token esteem will increment. Behind it, is an exceptionally gifted group with an effective reputation in item improvement.

Dissimilar to other interpersonal interaction platforms today, UHIVE does not confine its clients to scan for pertinent words, labels, or catchphrases. To begin voyaging and investigating arbitrary points and groups, UHIVE will give them adaptability. The platform's reasonable experience not just furnishes clients with vision sensors to see data. Yet additionally to see the data through visual portrayal including visual impacts, profundity discernment, size and scale, and the sky is the limit from there.

UHIVE informal community has two creative experience

The humanized world: This is a socialized system representing by principles and controls, personality is genuine and enables individuals to associate with others. It is a system that uncovered and is affected by outside variables, for example, governmental issues, social standards, and worldwide direction.

A dark world: This is a world that challenges social standards, outer political control, and is totally secluded from your character. The world offers the greatest space to live in.


UHIVE's points and destinations include:

Upset and impart the route to the eventual fate of informal communication by giving clients another and engaging social platform encounter.

To make the best client encounter and turn into the most dynamic interpersonal organization on the planet.


This can occur in the accompanying ways:



Computerized resources

Experience and maintenance

The computerized economy is independent


We outline UHIVE to be a completely independent economy, as throughout everyday life, administered by free market activity.

As request increments and with more clients in the framework, the UHIVE Token esteem will thusly increment.


It enable client's to end up totally unknown by paying a little charge utilizing UHIVE tokens. The charge will cover the system expenses of putting away the information inside the blockchain framework.


Motivated by front line innovation, counterfeit consciousness, and the time of satisfying dreams work out. Our times of group involvement in the improvement of cutting edge wise frameworks and with our sense of duty regarding a positive effect on client life, making the UHIVE venture an achievable test

Manmade brainpower

Teknologi Hybrid Blockchain

UI innovation and a creative new client encounter

Dark's new imaginative world innovation

Virtual Reality idea of new interpersonal organization

The computerized economy is reasonable

Versatile Apps (iOS and Android)

The system will be discharged in two phases, the first is the UHive Token, and the second is simply the system with the versatile applications. This informal community will be open just through Android and iOS cell phones, and the application's interface will be anything but difficult to utilize, quick, productive and engaging (applications are being created at this stage).

The client encounter for both applications will be natural and basic; it will have dividers quite recently like Instagram and Facebook, however with special development, and an abnormal state of human brain research reconciliation with a physical measurement


Worked starting with no outside help to wind up VR Ready (discretionary for clients), the universe of informal communication is outlined without any preparation to embrace a VR encounter that keeps up a simple interface that is reasonable for all clients.

Investigate everything with your VR gadget

Investigate the space and your general surroundings

View motion pictures and photographs utilizing VR

Post, remark, and offer in new encounters


UHIVE is intended to be everybody's informal community without limitations. Everybody with cell phones and web get to are potential clients.


Token Name: UHIVE (HVE)

Protokol: Ethereum (ETH)

Token Supply: 80 billion

Price sellToken:

Presale: $ 0.0015

Audience Sales: $ 0.003

Soft Cap: $ 10.000.000

Hard Cap: $ 54.000.000



• Started working on the Idea

• Researching social networking and human Psychology


•Working on the Financial Ecosystem

•Working on the Grey world concept and behaviour

Q1 2017

•Working on integrating Hybrid Blockchain in the Grey world

•Adding Cryptocurrency ecosystem

Q2 2017

• Starting working on A.I. Technology and Preparing prototypes

Q4 2017

• Start working on our UHIVE ICO Token Release

Q2 2018


Q3 2018

• Expanding the Team and working on preparing a beta release for iOS and Android Apps

Q4 2018

• Releasing Beta version to the world

• Release UHIVE Tokens into Cryptocurrency Exchange markets

Q1 2019

• Release the Final App globally

Q2 2019

• Release the App in 8 Different languages

• Release new updates and features

• Start working on our ADs (Advertisments) Platform

Q3 2019

• Enter China with Partnerships with China biggest Cloud Providers and ISPs (A

New World for China)

• Release new Updates and Features

Q4 2019

• Release the App for another 10 Languages

• Release our Advertisement Platform Version 1.0

Q2 2020

• Release XBOX and PS4 editions, where people can explore the social network

• Platform Updates

Q4 2020

• Connect it with Smart TVs and many new IoT Devices

• Platform Updates

Visit the links below for more information:

WEBSITE :https://www.hivepower.tech/

WHITEPAPER :https://v.fastcdn.co/u/a25ac79a/29853262-0-Hive-Power-WP-1.3.pdf

FACEBOOK :https://www.facebook.com/HivePower/

TWITTER :https://twitter.com/hive_power

TELEGRAM :https://t.me/hivepower

Authored by Danny_yell: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1273420

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