Try to predict the future: what will happen to blockchain next year?

Try to predict the future: what will happen to blockchain next year?

How we make ICO

European experts analyzed how modern society understands the technology of blockchain and they predicted that interest to blockchain will grow. Such studies are conducted annually, taking into account sex, age and ethnic characteristics of the respondents. The last one was held from March 26th till April 6th in 2018 and it covered 15 countries, each of which had about thousand respondents.

The results showed that 66% of Europeans know about the existence of cryptocurrency. Someone will say, super, it is more than the half. But the FLOGmall team has an eye twitching that there are still people in this world that don't know about the existence of a digital currency, while our users are buying goods with it.

Nevertheless, 35% still agreed that the crypto industry is "the future of online purchases". Another 35% predicted its excellent growth in the next year.

If we consider the world statistics, in general, the population's awareness about the cryptocurrency is more than 50%. The title of the country, where people know about cryptocurrency the most, goes to Austria - 79% and Poland - 77%, while in the United States only 57% of people know what the crypto and tokens mean.

Only 1/10 of respondents had cryptocurrency ever. Moreover, the survey showed that users of online-bank applications are much more likely to have cryptocurrency than those who are far from using such applications. Guess where is the highest percentage of crypto assets? No, not in China. In Turkey! 18%, the lowest one showed Luxembourg - 4%.

25% of respondents noted that they are planning to buy some tokens soon. While most people continue to consider cryptocurrency as a dangerous investment. They think it has more risks than investments in real estate, government bonds or the stock market and such people are not ready for adventures.

Among the best ways of investments in Bitcoin in 11 of the 15 countries of the world, people have chosen special websites. Respondents from Spain, France and Luxembourg rely on financial and banking consultants, while Italians say they consider both ways as equally important ones.

But not everything is so bad in Europe! Also, statistics showed that 70% of the leading companies supplying IT services to market infrastructure are preparing first blockchain projects. And this means that the future of crypto industry is definitely big!

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