



Triwer is aiming to offer a new way for e-commerce companies to deliver their goods to online purchasers throughout Europe.

Triwer and it is meaning to offer another path for web based business organizations to convey their products to online buyers all through Europe.

This guarantee is for a more open, less expensive, and more secure conveyance framework than is accessible at present. Triwer will likewise help tackle bottlenecks and wasteful aspects by giving messengers arrangements intended to enhance the way they use save limit.

The system offers a price comparison facility, personalised delivery profiles, pick-up and delivery options, and parcel tracking across multiple online retailers and outlets.


Web based business has changed conveyance markets, with the business to client (B2C) and shoppers and private ventures (C2X) taking a logically more noteworthy piece of the overall industry of what used to be ruled by the B2C area. It is foreseen that the European conveyance market will hit €72.9 billion by 2020.


Current e-customers have raised their conveyance desires to include: same day conveyances, following continuously, indicated short conveyance windows, returns gathering, and other conveyance choices. There is additionally descending weight on valuing. While retailers, for example, Amazon have grasped such administrations, this isn't the situation for the most part.

From the supply side, there are gigantic wasteful aspects including overcapacity particularly at first and last mile conveyance stages, absence of combination, misfortunes from burglary, poor following, and absence of adaptability.

The Triwer logistics solution

Customers will be able to select delivery options based on the delivery preferences stored in their delivery profiles. Triwer will then optimise the delivery route including multi-carriers and set up a corresponding smart contract including insurance, security, and tracking.

Once the goods reach the last mile, the customer will be provided with a narrow delivery window along with options to make last minute changes to avoid non-deliveries.


Built on Ethereum smart contracts and including a side chain to record tracking and additional information, privacy and security are guaranteed. The digital currency coin is the TRW and will be the operating currency on the platform.

After the smart contract is signed, the shipper deposits cryptocurrency funds into the Triwer escrow. On satisfactory completion of the contract, the funds will be released to stakeholders.

Business model

Triwer will charge between 5% to 15% of the aggregate conveyance income, and the organization accepts with only 1% of the conveyance showcase this will give an income of €37.5 million, however a significantly higher piece of the overall industry is the point. At first, Triwer will convey its stage in Scandinavia, UK, Spain, and Germany.


We're on a mission to become the sharing economy-powered leader in the European parcel market, and we are already on our way! Currently operating in Norway and with trials coming soon in United Kingdom and Spain, we fully expect to service the key European countries by the end of 2018.

Token Sale

  • Soft Cap: $5MM
  • Hard Cap: $25MM
  • Token Symbol: TRW - ERC20
  • Total Token Supply: 1,000,000,000
  • Available during token sale: 375,000,000
  • Accepted payment types: ETH, BTC & US Dollars / EURO

Triwer Token Distribution

Great reasons to join

  • Triwer is an existing company with a functioning product
  • Commercial application of the TRW utility token
  • Operating in an expanding market driven by e-commerce
  • Customer focused with clear supplier and partner benefits
  • Aggressive business development to support token take up
  • Legal and peer reviewed business model
  • General Data Protection Regulation compliant
  • Aiming to reduce environmental emissions



For more information:


Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1953653

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