Touching My Daughters Pussy

Touching My Daughters Pussy


To help make his daughter feel better about having an accident at school, this man showed some extremely positive parenting making it look like he wet himself too.
When one father learned that his young daughter had wet her pants at school, he came up with a creative way to make her feel better.
When Ben Sowards found out his daughter wet her pants at school, he decided to have an accident as well. (Photo: Twitter/Lucinda Sowards)
According to Fox 13, Ben Sowards, an associate professor of illustration at Southern Utah University, was at home on Friday when he got a call from his 6-year-old daughter Valerie’s school. The little girl had wet her pants and was crying, and she wanted to be picked up.
Sowards then had a flash of brilliance: He poured water on his own pants to make it appear as though he had wet himself too, and then hopped in the car. When he picked up Valerie, he used her pink-and-black backpack to cover himself up, which Valerie thought was hilarious, according to Fox 13. The pair then posed for a photo.
On Friday, Sowards’s older daughter Lucinda tweeted the photo, and it went viral, with more than 62,000 retweets and more than 253,000 likes. Many are calling Sowards “Father of the Year” and the incident a Billy Madison moment, referring to the scene in the 1995 film where Adam Sandler’s character pees in his pants.
My little sis had an accident today at kindergarten & this is how my dad left to pick her up so she wouldn't feel so sad/embarrassed ????????❤️
— Lucinda Sowards (@LucindaSowards) April 14, 2017
Lucinda, who is the oldest of 13 children (some of whom are foster kids), told Buzzfeed News how her dad handled a different accident in the past. When Lucinda fell while ice skating a few years ago, “He FaceTimed me — he had vividly painted a black eye that matched mine,” she said.
Sowards, who did not respond to Yahoo Style’s request for comment, is adopting four of his foster kids on Monday, according to Fox 13.
He isn’t the only parent to go the extra mile for his child. In March, a single mother in Georgia named Amy Peterson didn’t want her 6-year-old daughter Gracie to miss out on her school’s father-daughter dance. So Peterson dressed as a man, even painting a beard on her face with mascara, for the event. While the school informed Peterson that she couldn’t attend the dance, it didn’t stop Peterson from defending her decision.
She told Today, “The lesson I was trying to teach Gracie is it is OK to get knocked down, it’s OK that people don’t always see things the way we do, but if you know something isn’t right, then you speak up and tell your story. So maybe you can make a difference in someone’s life.”
And in 2012, German father Nils Pickert, whose 5-year-old son liked to wear dresses and nail polish, decided to wear a red skirt to match his son’s red dress. “I didn’t want to talk my son into not wearing dresses and skirts,” Pickert told German magazine Emma. “He didn’t make friends in doing that in Berlin already, and after a lot of contemplation I had only one option left: to broaden my shoulders for my little buddy and dress in a skirt myself.”
A photo of the pair walking down the street holding hands went viral, and Pickert was celebrated for his positive parenting.
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"She had a full monobrow, seriously fluffy underarms and, you guessed it, a pubic hair growth spurt that was uneven and quite frankly uncomfortable."
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Recently, a fellow mum shared a post asking for basic product advice in an online mother's group.
The mother had been routinely removing her 11-year-old daughter's pubic hair with a cream but found it was getting quite expensive - so she asked if any other mums could suggest a more affordable option.
But instead, she was slammed for going anywhere near her daughter's nether regions. How did THAT happen?
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She was removing her daughter's hair with cream. Source: iStock.
I wanted to reach out and tell her she did a great favour for her child. It's not like she asked if she should or shouldn't take to her daughter's puberty growth spurt. So why was that even a point of discussion?
More than that, why was it suggested that her daughter cover her bikini line with shorts so as not to show her hair in the first place?
The fact is, we all make parenting choices that affect our children but we won't know the true effects of our actions until much later on in life - so don't judge.
My two girls were born into Irish and European heritage. This was always going to be a gorgeous mix with red highlights in the summer, naturally darkened hair in the winter and... thick body hair!
Hang on, that took a turn for the worst - but it's the truth.
My kids were born with that fine covering of lanugo hair that is endearing at birth. They were all fluffy and just perfect.
Over time, it fell out and faded but being naturally hairy beings, they soon started to take after both of their parents with thick hair growing all over. Yup, it's our fault.
One was as fair as the Irish, the other not so fortunate. She developed the darker pigments of the European side.
Lanugo hair - newborn. Source: Stocksy
As time went on, their hair started bothering them. The youngest was first to bring it up at eight, asking for her monobrow to be plucked.
I had no idea that she even knew what a monobrow was let alone plucking!
When she explained the taunting she was getting, I helped her out a little, mostly to avoid her walking the same line as I did, taking to my mum's tweezers and having 90s brows forever!
The bridge of her nose and the smile on her face walking into school the next day was priceless.
Yep, sad fact. By the time the eldest was 11, she had a full monobrow, seriously fluffy underarms and, you guessed it, a pubic hair growth spurt that was uneven and quite frankly uncomfortable.
The adjusting was driving ME mental, I couldn't imagine what it was doing to her!
I asked if she was OK, thinking that she may have had a rash - or worse. But she took me into the bathroom, pulled down her undies and pointed. With a huff, she stated, "Look!".
Now, I've not seen that area for a little while so my shock must have shown. It was there, it was thick and honestly, uncomfortably uneven. The poor kid had been dealing with a tuft of hair, so patchy and wiry it would have made me itch!
I know we always think that our kids grow up overnight but I swear, that was like the blink of an eye! So, I did the only thing I knew to do. I grabbed the lady-clippers, gave a quick tutorial, then we clipped.
Not once did it cross my mind that she was 'only' 11, nor did I think, 'well, no-ones going to see it, so it doesn't matter'. My only thought was that she was uncomfy - and it was all brand new and pretty awkward to even bring it up in the first place.
After a quick shower, she came to me fully-clothed again and thanked me.
Waxing for aesthetics or being so truly hung up on your looks that you're projecting an 'older beyond their years' approach to our children is one thing.
But simply removing uncomfortable new growth is a whole different matter. Puberty is a tough time for any kid and if I can make it that little more comfortable with a shaver and smile - I will.
And to 'that mum'. GO YOU! You did what you thought was best and you asked for the best brand that wasn't going to nip, clip or rip your child. Well done!
This article was originally published on 17 May, 2017 and was updated on 11 June, 2021.
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