To Please A Lady Movie Download In Hd

To Please A Lady Movie Download In Hd


To Please A Lady Movie Download In Hd

A former war hero and midget car racer meets his match in a feisty reporter who blames his reckless tactics for an accidental racing death.
Mike Brannon is a former war hero turned midget car racer. His ruthless racing tactics have made him successful but the fans consider him a villain and boo him mercilessly. Independent, beautiful reporter Regina Forbes tries to interview him but is put off by his gruff chauvinism, and when Brannon's daredevil tactics cause the death of a fellow driver, he finds himself a pariah in the sport thanks to her articles. When she finds him earning money as a barnstorming daredevil driver hoping for a comeback, they begin to become mutually attracted.
This film is a typical star vehicle for Gable. He strides through it with his usual confidence, the cocked eyebrow and sly grin making the odd worthwhile appearance. What makes it unique is that it's the only teaming of Gable and Stanwyk. That's a real shame. Their chemistry and spark makes every scene they have together worthwhile, screen images and their characters clash wonderfully. A fantastic screen pairing. Barbara shines,proving again to be at home in any genre, matching it with any leading man. Gable, for his part sparkles too,deftly shading the darker elements of Mike Brannan with experienced ease. The perfect answer to a night at home or a rainy day.
When I saw this movie, I was amazed just how boring this movie was--and that hardly seems possible for a Clark Gable film. He and Barbara Stanwyck limp through a slow and unexciting script. In addition to these powerhouse actors, the script is about auto racing---and STILL it was ponderous. So, considering all the strengths behind it, it is so amazing the film isn't more exciting. The racing sequences are obviously faked, but even the effort to make them appear real seems minimal. Since there are so many better films of this era, don't watch it unless you are a die-hard fan. It isn't that the film is so bad, it's just that it's like eating an entire meal made of meringue--absolutely no substance behind it.


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