Tips for when Natural Disaster Strikes

Tips for when Natural Disaster Strikes

Veronica Bohnert


Crawl under a dining table that is sturdy and protect your face and head.  Avoid agencies or bookcases that may collapse and windows.  Cover your mouth with a cloth or top, if you get trapped beneath debris, and then tap a pipe or other item to generate sound.  (Do not shout for help unless you've got to; you hazard inhaling harmful amounts of dust) Leave the building when the stops if you can --aftershocks can bring down a construction jeopardized by the quake.  In the end steer clear of utility wires and buildings.


Move to higher ground do not wait to collect belongings, When there is a warning issued.  In any flooding, prevent downed powerlines and water that was transferring. Bad floods are fatal.  Even though many vehicles will float six inches of moving water may create a collapse that is pedestrian.


Song into a NCAA weather radio for tornado alerts When you notice a storm warning.  Seek refuge in a cellar Whether an alert stems or visit an emergency shelter.  As a final resort, stay on the floor of your property. Get out if you are in an automobile for a tornado approaches and find shelter inside.  If you are trapped in the open, lie flat in a ditch or depression and cover your head.

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