Thoughtcrimes Hd Mp4 Download

Thoughtcrimes Hd Mp4 Download


Thoughtcrimes Hd Mp4 Download

Freya McAllister suddenly starts hearing voices in her head on the night of her High School Prom. From then on her future ends and she is diagnosed as a violent schizophrenic and committed to a mental hospital where she spends the next eight years of her life in mental madness. One night Dr Michael Welles arrives telling Freya that she isn't crazy but that her voices are the thoughts of everyone around her. He teaches her to turn her telepathic powers into a powerful gift. What he doesn't say is that he works for the National Security Agency...
In 1994, in her high-school prom, Freya McAllister (Navi Rawat) starts to hear voices in her head, is declared schizophrenic and sent to a mental institution. She is treated by Dr. Michael Welles (Peter Horton), who is sponsored by the National Security Agency (NSA), and along the treatment, he tells her that she in not crazy, but indeed she has powerful telepathic skills, being unique in the world. Nine years later, she is assigned by NSA to work with agent Brendan Dean (Joe Flanigan) in New York, chasing together the dangerous terrorist Cazal, whose identity is unknown by the secret service.
No well, this is not one of the worst movies you&#39;ll ever see but it simply isn&#39;t great stuff either and certainly not worthy of all the praise it is receiving on here. People actually rate this movie a 10, 9 or an 8? Some people really should start watching some more movies.<br/><br/>In the first halve of the movie the main character is trying to cope with- and tries to life and use her abilities to read people&#39;s minds. This means that the first halve of the movie mostly consists out of drama. Then suddenly the movie completely changes and turns into a fast going action/thriller in which the main character must prevent a terrorist attack. It then also introduces the movie its second main character Brendan Dean (Joe Flanigan). Much too late of course. It all perhaps could had worked out if the first halve of the movie was trimmed down to a 15 minutes intro in which the main character tries to control her powers. It now instead is a movie with very messy story-telling, with two total different halves that just don&#39;t really connect with each other. But also the rest of the movie simply is an example of how not to tell a story. It&#39;s extremely messy, leaves lots of loose ends (it simply doesn&#39;t bother to explain things at times), steals ideas from other movies and on top of it all features an highly unlikely story that progresses in a even more unlikely manner.<br/><br/>It&#39;s obvious that this is a movie that was orientated toward the DVD market. It therefor is a rather cheap looking simplistic B-movie, that only mildly entertains, which prevents this movie from being a completely unwatchable one. The action is minimal and mostly consists out of running and jumping people. Too often too little interesting is happening in the movie.<br/><br/>It&#39;s pretty obvious that director Breck Eisner got inspired by the two Matrix-sequels that were released around the same time. This is most notable in the way he handles the action, with a pretty laughable end result at times.<br/><br/>Elements of this movie all got handled better in way better movies.<br/><br/>5/10<br/><br/>
A girl in high school starts hearing voices and is committed... Until a mysterious government recruiter finds her and teaches her that the voices are other people&#39;s thoughts and trains her to control and focus her gifts, for the greater good.<br/><br/>The good: The acting is very good across the board, including Rawat as the girl suffering from her gifts, and Flanigan as her NSA partner who&#39;s life was controlled until now by picture-perfect memory and logic. The way people&#39;s random thoughts bubble up or are provoked and used for missions is good and fun, and the creative use of her telepathic abilities is nicely done as well.<br/><br/>The movie seems surprisingly good, until you actually think about it. The writing flaws (spoilers): <br/><br/><ul><li>They figured she was a schizo because she hears voices but she never realized she was hearing real thoughts from the people around her? How does that work? How can you not tell the difference between thoughts from the people you are interacting with in front of you, and random voices? </li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>Eight years in a mental hospital and she never developed any control techniques beyond reading a book? Constant noise in her head and her brain didn&#39;t develop any filters? And suddenly the recruiting guy says &#39;focus&#39; and it all goes away in a second? And now that she is with him, she picks up on new tricks with full control within seconds? </li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>The terrorist plan doesn&#39;t make any sense if you think about it. The decoy is way too elaborate, their plan depends on the agency finding out about the decoy, and yet the agency never even knew about the decoy without her abilities. And why did they try to kill the agents if they were following the decoy plan as planned? And why was the guy in prison thinking about going to his ultrasound weapon if it was a decoy to begin with? And why would the Ukrainian woman reveal to her that she knows nothing to clue her in that it was a decoy? And so on...</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>How did they know he would be released just in time to get the gun from the water fountain and also walk him by the fountain to begin with? </li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>Why would she risk the young neighbour&#39;s life? Couldn&#39;t she make up a simpler lie like: &#39;They gave me the information at the office&#39;? And why did the Ukrainian stop and walk back without killing the neighbour?</li></ul><br/><br/>In addition, the movie feels like a TV pilot whether they intended it as one or not. She suddenly turns from a sweet normal girl into a way-too-full-of-herself girl-hero at the end which promises more heroics to come.


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