Thoughtcrimes Full Movie Hindi Download

Thoughtcrimes Full Movie Hindi Download


Thoughtcrimes Full Movie Hindi Download

Freya McAllister suddenly starts hearing voices in her head on the night of her High School Prom. From then on her future ends and she is diagnosed as a violent schizophrenic and committed to a mental hospital where she spends the next eight years of her life in mental madness. One night Dr Michael Welles arrives telling Freya that she isn't crazy but that her voices are the thoughts of everyone around her. He teaches her to turn her telepathic powers into a powerful gift. What he doesn't say is that he works for the National Security Agency...
In 1994, in her high-school prom, Freya McAllister (Navi Rawat) starts to hear voices in her head, is declared schizophrenic and sent to a mental institution. She is treated by Dr. Michael Welles (Peter Horton), who is sponsored by the National Security Agency (NSA), and along the treatment, he tells her that she in not crazy, but indeed she has powerful telepathic skills, being unique in the world. Nine years later, she is assigned by NSA to work with agent Brendan Dean (Joe Flanigan) in New York, chasing together the dangerous terrorist Cazal, whose identity is unknown by the secret service.
I really enjoyed this movie concept and thought it was a little like Dark Angel which was one of my favorites. The idea of utilizing a telepathic individual as a &#39;weapon&#39; has pros and cons but bottom line is that it would be most helpful if the gift could be controlled.<br/><br/>The way the voices are provided helps us understand how most people would think this person was crazy when indeed she was just gifted. Her ability to assist the NSA is the crux of the movie as well as her inner fight to deal with her gift.<br/><br/>The reason I&#39;d like to see this concept turned into a series is that a lot could be done with the plot lines making very interesting and complicated story lines. Also, delving further into her relationships with people and how she would be able to control her gift to not invade their personal space.
A surprisingly well written and entertaining movie. Despite the apparent low budget and b-grade actors, everyone obviously put effort into making this a good film. As others have noted, this has the makings for a great TV series. Personally I&#39;d choose a better lead actress - her acting was a bit wooden and I didn&#39;t really warm to her. It would need a very likable actress to make it a popular series, and excellent ongoing writing if it&#39;s to have lasting appeal. Also the sister character seemed implausible - why would she turn her back on her sister so readily. It could have been handled in a much better way. Something the movie didn&#39;t explore but could be in a series is having a psychic espionage unit. In reality, the Russians supposedly conducted a great deal of psychic research, hoping to be able to control the minds of their enemies. Of course, in our post-modern culture the real enemies lie within, something well explored by the X-files and more recently Iron Man. There could be a story arc, in which the main character comes to realize this, and must eventually go on the run from her own government, and perhaps band together other telepaths from many different cultures, learning to trust each other.


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