Third Watch 720p Torrent

Third Watch 720p Torrent


Third Watch 720p Torrent

The exploits of a group of men and women who serve the City of New York as police officers, firemen, and paramedics in the fictional 55th Precinct.
This is my favorite television show to watch, even though it ended its run over a year ago. I never watched the show during its run, and came across it one night when I couldn't sleep. After watching a few episodes over a few consecutive nights, I found myself liking the show and the characters, and began watching and taping the show on a regular basis. The characters are great. You really find yourself caring about them, and hated to see them hurt. The most endearing characters to me were Monte 'Doc' Parker, Faith Yokas, Ty Davis Jr., Bobby Caffey, Maurice 'Bosco' Boscorelli, Jimmy Doherty, and Kim Zambrano. The actors on the show are all exceptional as well. Coby Bell is my favorite actor from the show and is very underrated. He's an incredible actor. Molly Price is also extraordinarily talented, and yet she's not a household name. She's great. Michael Beach also, as Doc, was really good. The rest of the cast, also, was just impeccable. The writing on the show was some of the best I've seen on TV. The story lines were compelling and completely sucked you in for sixty minutes each episode. Then, you're left waiting on the edge of your seat for the next episode. The show had a devoted following, but was inexplicably cancelled by NBC in March of 2005. With the NBC network really struggling right now, they should really be kicking themselves for cancelling such a great show. I guess 132 episodes on A&E will have to be enough.
Wow. You could definitely say I'm hooked on Third Watch. I'm not a big television fan either, but from the first time I saw this show, I adored it. It is fast-paced, it has drama and humor and it seems to be quite realistic. The actors do SUCH a good job of portraying a wide range of emotions that this show sometimes leaves me wrung out. You know, really involved. It's very easy to get sucked into their world. I highly recommend this show to anyone looking for a good way to spend a Sunday evening! And, I feel obligated to add, this show probably has the best looking male cast on television. Makes watching even MORE enjoyable!!

Thanks so much.<br/><br/>Second season can now be bought at Wal-Mart for a price of $14 (Canadian) Bootlegs copies, taped from tv in low resolution VHS quality. a5c7b9f00b

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