The responsibility of a virologist

The responsibility of a virologist

translated by Corona Investigative

Published on 26. May 2020 from Ped

Is Christian Drosten victim or perpetrator?

To answer this question right away: He is neither one nor the other. At least the associated question of guilt or innocence does not lead us any further. Perhaps he himself and others do not see it that way. But for me Drosten is above all one thing: responsible. Just as every human being can hide the responsibility for his actions, but cannot shed it.

So when a person lets himself be used for years, he acts irresponsibly, so to speak. Then he is also blind to the consequences of his own actions. This does not change anything about the irresponsibility of other people - not only - in his environment. Ignoring responsibility is not a specific problem of Christian Drosten but a general, social problem. In his media role, which he has obviously accepted with great pleasure, there are generally valid symptoms - which in turn can point to the underlying causes.

The role of the media is the one that Drosten first had to discover, perhaps even awaken, because his real role is that of the researcher, the virologist. There are extensive interviews with Christian Drosten, which show in an impressive way how the man is absorbed in this research role. He also seems to me to be extremely competent in the role of the researching virologist. He is undoubtedly well versed in the world of genetic sequences and in dealing with code snippets. If he can talk about it, he does it with the enthusiasm of a child.

Put that way, there's nothing to worry about, is there?

The focus on and competence in genetic research on viruses bears a trap. As specialised as Drosten's work is, there is also the danger of incompetence in all areas that go beyond the narrowly defined framework. As a medical doctor, the man does not pass for me because he cannot even distinguish between infection and disease (emphasis added by author):

"But under the cover of this seasonal effect - we can perhaps now imagine, under the cover of the social distancing measures that are currently in force - this disease has unnoticedly spread much more evenly geographically." (1)

Even those who conjure up a danger from the "novel" virus, which - as we should know - has not been proven, should surely know that if so, it is the virus that spreads, but never the disease. If one believes the Tagesspiegel, Drosten also meant:

"In the summer, the illness had weakened due to the warmer weather and had not been noticed at all." (2)

The man obviously also does not know how a disease is defined. And so he actually believes in a one-dimensional, like compelling causality of the ONE virus that causes ONE (though not clearly describable) disease, namely Covid-19. But it becomes embarrassing for him when he also uses the Spanish flu as a horror scenario:

"And when the Spanish flu got into a winter wave, the situation was suddenly very different." (3)

And from this point on at the latest we come to the responsibility. Incompetence is not a character flaw. It is problematic, however, if there is no awareness of incompetence due to a lack of reflection - neither on the part of the protagonist nor on the part of the recipient and the person passing on the message born of incompetence.

Certain people have chosen Christian Drosten as a caller in the desert from a certain point in time. His charisma seemed to them to be particularly suited to conveying terrible news that compel certain social actions in a particularly credible way.

Drosten became the figurehead of virological research. Patted and praised as an extraordinary researcher, he set out to do more than just research. Nowadays, when he occasionally tries to put his recommendations into perspective, namely that he is not a politician who has something to determine, it is at least a self-deception. For Drosten does not want to admit that he - with all the abundance of opportunism and egotism that characterizes him - has become exactly that: a politician. It doesn't matter that he is not officially a politician with an assigned portfolio.

Politicians represent interests, Drosten also represents interests. The question is what they are. In order to understand the behaviour, the statements of the virologist and politician Christian Drosten, it is worth looking back into the past, and in doing so we should of course broaden our perspective. This is the only way to get an idea of the networks in which Drosten is embedded.

Also the use of language, the media rousing people to make "protective vaccinations" attractive to them, reminds us in times of Covid-19 of days gone by. Especially since the mouthpieces are the same. We'll get to Drosten in a moment, but here first the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). In 2009 its alarm, i.e. the attempt to create hysteria in the population, sounded like this:

"Swine flu is spreading faster and faster in Germany. In the 43rd calendar week, 3075 people became newly ill, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced in Berlin on Monday. In the 42nd calendar week, the number of new cases was still at 1860. According to the RKI, a total of 29,907 cases of the new flu have been registered throughout Germany so far. "The wave has begun," said RKI President Jörg Hacker." (4)

Just like today, the head of the RKI was then mentioned in the same breath as a virologist and their statements were willingly disseminated in the mass media. At that time the virologist was head of an institute in Bonn, but even then his name was Christian Drosten:

"The head of the Institute of Virology at the University Hospital in Bonn, Prof. Christian Drosten, said that there is a drastic increase in the number of diseases in Southern Germany. He assumes that the wave from the south will sweep over Germany in a period of five to six weeks." (5)

Anyone who now thinks that this statement of Drosten's is not so actionistic and fear-generating at all may revise this impression when he reads what Drosten said at the time:

"Drosten made an urgent appeal to get vaccinated against swine flu. "The disease is a serious general viral infection that causes far more serious side effects than anybody can imagine from the worst vaccine." (6)

Also in the renowned scientific journal Nature Drosten was allowed to present his horror parallels with the Spanish flu at that time and thereby offensively advertise an important business model - namely his own. When asked why mass tests were so important, he replied (falsification by author highlighted):

"Because we must remember the 1918 eruption. When it started to circulate in humans, it was not very pathogenic and therefore it was not taken very seriously. But as the virus optimized for life in its new host through mutation, it became much more virulent - and, as we all know, killed about 20 million people around the world. This could happen again - nobody wants to take a big risk." (7)

This is completely far-fetched by Drosten and also contradicts all epidemiological findings according to which viruses very quickly lose their initial aggressiveness - if there was one - both in reproduction and in the qualitative effect itself. Chinese scientists also attested the SARS-CoV-2 virus an increasingly reduced reproductive capacity as early as February of this year (8).

Even then, Drosten expressly did not speak of representative and therefore really meaningful and therefore probably not sufficiently profitable tests, but of mass tests, a senseless squandering of resources, just like today. Original sound of the would-be politician and as such actually patted Christian Drosten, ten years later, end of March 2020 - the term gibberish is appropriate here (see emphasis by author):

"We're right now on the rising edge of an exponential growth kinetics. If we don't do something now, and do it drastically and incisively, it's going to continue and we're going to have a situation in June or July where you're very likely to see an effect." (9)

The bold print was Drosten's rationale for scare tactics, for the steep slope of completely unacceptable political decisions, and he had NOTHING, absolutely nothing, that could have supported his - let's take it again on the tip of our tongue - "rising edge of an exponential growth kinetics". But politics followed these words and this man and still does. The mass media celebrated this crap - obtained from Drosten's specially produced blueprint for swine flu - as a dissection of a "confused corona thesis of pulmonary physician" Wolfgang Wodarg. What a pathetic spectacle this is.

We don't have to be so naive in this respect to believe that a virologist would simply have made a mistake here. Today at the latest Drosten appears as a repeat offender. For what he is doing today, he has probably been nurtured and promoted over the years. He always has his baby and apparently also the marketing of "his test" in mind. The "poor institute", which Drosten heads in the virological area within the Berlin Charité, was recently (again?) "saved" (10,11) by noble donors. In general, it is instructive to learn to what extent private foundations working on behalf of large corporations - beyond the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - care for the welfare of the Charité (12).

Triggering fears by painting masses of horror pictures of people requiring artificial respiration on the wall is not an invention from 2020. People simply forget too quickly. Here is the original sound by Christian Drosten from the year 2009:

"the second thing, however, is that we have more and more seriously ill patients, those, above all, who are under 50 years of age, even in much younger segments, who have to be ventilated, some of whom even have to be oxygenated extracorporeally, i.e. have to be given oxygen outside the lungs. These places are very rare, highest intensive care medicine, they are all occupied with these patients. This means that the high-performance hospitals will face dramatic situations in the coming weeks. In some university hospitals, it is already the case that these high-intensity places are all occupied by H1N1 patients. The public is not aware of this. There are not many good numbers about that either." (13)

Exactly with this old, new picture of horror, people have been emotionally carried away in these days to accept locking away, social distancing, the renunciation of basic rights, the acceptance of a surveillance and repressive state. The Institute of Virology at the University of Bonn, from where Drosten proclaimed his messages, had only just been founded at the time and is closely networked with the Johns Hopkins University and its affiliated institutions, which is supported by the multi-billionaire Michael Bloomberg, among others (14,a1).

Drosten thus already climbed the career ladder of the political virologist in those days and his voice was heard. Heedless of the fact that then, as now, the scientific evidence of an extraordinary threat from a "novel" virus has not been produced. But the governments acted, not only the German government. The federal and state governments ordered about 50 million doses of Pandemrix vaccine at the beginning of 2010 (15).

Nomen est Omen, the name of the vaccine alone makes you sit up and take notice. It points to a pandemic, admittedly a pandemic that must be anchored in people's minds by force, a pandemic of a virtual nature, but one that should lead to reactions as adequate as a real - or rather deadly - pandemic would.

No vaccination without pathogens

Because one pathogen alone is of course not enough. It must be pathogens that can be sold to the population as necessarily causing illness. Primeval fears, even mortal fears must be awakened with these pathogens. In this way, pharmaceutical companies were able to siphon off governments' funds even before the first SARS virus was discovered, for example with vaccines that were supposed to be effective against smallpox. Even then, the Robert Koch Institute provided the necessary "buying incentives" (16). And if no new killers are found, then they must be invented. This suspicion inevitably arises if one compares this with the later events surrounding swine flu in 2009/10 and today's events surrounding the "novel" coronavirus.

Vaccine companies such as Novartis, Roche and Sanofi made extraordinary deals in swine flu vaccines ten years ago (17) and will be back in 2020. One of the big winners of those days was the British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline. In his Dresden factory he had vaccine doses produced for 3.5 billion US dollars with the same Pandemrix vaccine (18,19,a2) and Christian Drosten, among others, had paved the way for this with his fear-inducing public relations work in Germany (see also above) - by chance (20)?

A certain Wolfgang Wodarg was still a credible expert for the mass media in 2010. He was not the only one in the world to criticize that the World Health Organization (WHO) had made common cause with the pharmaceutical industry. Chan, the then head of the WHO, had prepared the ground for hysteria by declaring a pandemic, or rather a global threat of swine flu, and demanding vaccines worth one billion US dollars (21).

As early as 2010, Der Spiegel (German Magazin) clearly described the events surrounding the spectre of the swine flu virus conjured up by Drosten as "swine flu hysteria" and also noted:

"Pharmaceutical companies have earned billions at the taxpayer's expense, and doctors, politicians and the media are disgraced. What the world should learn from the hysteria" (22)

The world did not learn and Mr. Drosten disappeared in the moth box. At the same time, however, carefully tended to for a future reanimation as an alarmist and genius. And lo and behold: In January 2020 he was present again and was celebrated as if his swine flu farce had never existed. And already in the year 2019, the pharmaceutical sector's trade journals - note their prophetic gifts - "a new pandemic is only a matter of time". Wiping from the table that the last pandemic was a provoked act of panic and hysteria (23).

In the years between the "little farce" (swine flu) and the "monstrous farce" (coronavirus) - in which the former in retrospect seems like the dry run for the latter, Drosten had of course not really "disappeared". As a member of the CDU he had and still has been networked with the highest political structures of the Federal Government and both sides influenced each other mutually (24).

It had to be done quickly, said Der Spiegel years after the "pandemic swine flu". Did it really have to, and if so, why? Doesn't this argumentation also bear a striking resemblance to that of the present? Let's get back to GlaxoSmithKline and its extremely profitable swine flu vaccine business. As is the case when things have to happen very quickly, or when pressure has been artificially created to suggest that urgent action is needed to save thousands of lives, the approval procedure was also very pragmatically shortened back then (25,26).

It's up to who gets the balls here. It is quite possible that a situation was created which made it possible to swing the whole thing up alternately (27). But then, as now, the former swine flu prophet, a virologist named Christian Drosten, is found in this respect, too, who is frightening the population with unsubstantiated claims:

"If we don't want to accept an increased death rate in the elderly population, then we need to override regulatory issues regarding the vaccine - and see where we can conjure up a vaccine that is already relatively well developed, that has perhaps already been clinically tested" (28,29).

The Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedical Drugs (known as the Paul Ehrlich Institute) was not too dirty in 2009 - marching in step with the Robert Koch Institute - in filling out safety declarations for its vaccines for the pharmaceutical companies and, unsurprisingly, they are doing so again today (30,31).

In retrospect, however, it regularly turned out that the vaccines thrown onto the market with a combination of economic and political pressure were not quite as harmless as the officials vociferously claimed. In this respect, the Drostsen role in the USA was and still is played by Anthony Fauci, head of the US Epidemic Control Agency. And just as today, politicians openly supported efforts by the pharmaceutical industry to free itself from any liability that might arise from vaccination damage (32,33).

When this became apparent in the case of the Pandemrix vaccine from GlaxoSmithKline, it was of course not the company that was held liable. In Sweden, the government stepped in with millions of euros to compensate those affected (34). A Christian Drosten has absolutely nothing to do with this? After all, he "only" does research and gives political advice to the German government?

Gently into dependencies

Prices are the caress of the ego and the glue of opportunism. It is not for nothing that prizes are sponsored or even completely donated by corporations.

In 2003, Christian Drosten received the Werner Otto Foundation Prize - the foundation was established at the instigation of the former owner of the Otto trading and mail order company and is a partner of the Federal Ministry of Health. In addition, Christian Drosten was honoured with the Clinical Infectiology Prize in 2004 by the Förderverein der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Infektiologie e.V. The prize was sponsored by the German Aventis. (35,36)

Aventis is part of the French pharmaceutical group Sanofi, which has been strongly represented in the vaccination business for decades and is now determined to launch a vaccine (37,38). It is quite astonishing how far a virologist is willing to go when it comes to publicly assessing the effectiveness or side effects of drugs. Well, Sanofi will have been pleased in March 2020, because that was when his drug ibuprofen and its potentially harmful side effects in Covid-19 patients (however Covid-19 may have been diagnosed in these people) were discussed:

"There is no data on this, but it's not something you would expect [..] and there is no evidence that taking ibuprofen would make these viral diseases worse, [... because] ibuprofen is a very widely available drug, and there are also very widely available cold viruses in the population. […] "I think we would know that by now if this were the case." (39)

After all, the (noteworthy) possible danger had been indicated by a bulletin of the WHO (40). The virologist could have simply said truthfully that he simply did not know. Let us note that Drosten suddenly spoke of very general viral diseases (and not of a particularly dangerous, novel disease), but remained completely in the realm of speculation and represented his "faith", with which he unintentionally (?!) lobbied for a pharmaceutical company (a3).

Sanofi also enters into strategic alliances with its competitors to drive this business forward, for example with GlaxoSmithKline. The company is also happy to have the investment costs financed by the public sector. The public sector, which was previously brought on board to sing the old song of "We will all die if we are not vaccinated" and thus soften up the population (41-43).

Drosten was in time cajoled by the pharmaceutical lobby simply because his achievements boosted the production of vaccines in new ways (44 ). In 2004, Drosten was awarded another prize by the German Society for Infectiology, the GlaxoSmithKline Award. One year later, Drosten was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon and the postdoctoral prize of the Robert Koch Foundation. So much honour for a then 32-year-old, certainly extraordinarily ambitious, career-conscious scientist (45)?

The prizes were awarded in recognition of Drosten's contribution to the discovery of the first SARS-CoV virus in 2003, with remarkable parallels to the present. In both 2003 and 2020, it was the German virologist's team that developed a diagnostic test for the "novel" virus in record time (46).

Ultimately, SARS-CoV, the precursor of the latest SARS-CoV-2 virus, raises the same questions as today: How was this one specific virus discovered and how was it proven beyond doubt that it was indeed the primary cause of a (new) disease called severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)? This clear causality as well as the compelling threat of the virus leading to the disease is what makes up the terminology of "serious infectious disease" (47,a4).

Just as in 2003, an RNA sequence was decoded in 2020; a genetic code snippet, also known as a code fragment, and just as then, a test was developed in record time. Was the test developed back then by (amongst others) Drosten as non-specific and highly sensitive as his recently celebrated PCR test method (48)? In other words, isn't the same question allowed as in the case of the current "novel" virus, which is: Did the virus, the discovered RNA sequence possibly always exist?

A few years later the next "killer virus" followed, which was identified as the cause of swine flu. When, for example, the active ingredients Tamiflu from Roche and Pandemrix from GlaxoSmithKline turned out to be highly questionable in retrospect - the latter also because it contained mercury compounds (49.50) - this did not bring Christian Drosten into the picture. As a member of the advisory board of the independent (?) Gesellschaft für Virologie e.V. (Society for Virology), he therefore worships the lack of alternatives to vaccination (51).

Let us remember that nothing has been clarified with regard to the "novel" virus. Neither the causalities of the pathogen in relation to diseases have been proven beyond doubt, nor the recognition of the pathogen itself. There are no reliable data on the spread of the virus, although this would have been possible long ago. The allegedly resulting clinical picture is completely indifferent. One must seriously ask what SARS-CoV-2 really is. But - if I may say so - the experts in virology, who are like gods, have taken it upon themselves to present vaccinations as having no alternative:

"A vaccination against Sars-CoV-2 is urgently needed to protect the population - worldwide. Natural contagion is not an option." (52)

Let's read this again, it shows us more than the first glance reveals: "A natural infestation is not an option".

The natural, the tried and tested, that which allows us to survive and live with pathogens at all, is simply completely deselected by the masters of petri dishes and genetic analysis, only to be artificially - caught in the delusion of being better than nature - to inject humans into their bodies. Such thinking is in turn only "natural" if you have previously mutated into a non-scientist.

This restricted view then no longer requires excessive opportunism. The window of perception is already so narrow that the meta-level necessary for understanding is no longer relevant to the person concerned. This makes the blustering pharmaceutical sector happy, as it sees its investments in suitable scientists well invested in anticipation of fat profits.

Some readers may find the Gates Foundation's networks inadequate for the whole vaccination issue under investigation here. Shortly before Bill Gates' self-imposed withdrawal from the Microsoft board, Elma Walmsley moved into the same position. In 2017 she moved from Novartis to GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), where she has been CEO (one of the company's directors) ever since. Walmsley had previously also advised the British government. She is a fine example of the so-called revolving door effect, which describes the close interconnection between governments and corporations (53). Christian Drosten, who was honored by GSK years ago and supported by the Gates Foundation, has for years been remarkably supportive of the visions or business models of leading representatives of global corporations and their associated institutions with his statements (54).

What Microsoft and GSK are doing is a strategic partnership that is closely linked to plans for total population monitoring. Huge, distributed databases are needed to store and access genotypic and phenotypic data. This data in turn is intended as a basis for business models, nicely described as "discovery of drug targets". Software companies have long since merged with pharmaceutical companies and genetic research (55).

A systemic problem?

Ultimately it is the people who act, but this cannot be dissociated from the environmental conditions. This must also be taken into account when critically considering the role of the virologist Christian Drosten. From another point of view, the vaunted career ladder that wants to show us a way to the top is rather a gentle, smooth inclined plane on which - praised, honoured, cared for and financed - one slips almost imperceptibly into deep dependencies. This can only be avoided by mindfulness, which in turn is completely insufficiently discussed, let alone lived in our society.

In April 2020, Christian Drosten was honoured once again by an "independent" committee (see below,a5 ), this time with a special prize worth 50,000 euros, and I believe that the reasoning behind the award is a mockery of any honest science: "Special Prize for Outstanding Communication of Science in the Covid 19 Pandemic". Drosten's acceptance speech for the prize is a pure satire of his own failure as a scientist and human being with perceived and lived responsibility:

"This pandemic is an absolutely exceptional situation for the whole of society. In my opinion, how well we cope with this challenge also depends on whether the population is well informed about the course of infection and the biological background. It is therefore a personal concern of mine to share the current knowledge - and also its limitations - about the SARS 2 virus with the public as quickly and comprehensively as possible. Only in this way can people themselves make judgements, reduce fears and make infection-relevant decisions in their own everyday lives." (56)

What I personally criticize Christian Drosten for is his constant, unreflective fomentation of fears, his excessive need to speak out on a matter that required moderation. His repeated, speculative, highly emotional statements about a possible grave danger - solely from the virologist's point of view - which have never been supported by any real evidence, can only be classified as irresponsible. To this day he has not stopped this latent, almost manic fear-mongering (57-59).

That this is the case has even been noticed by media people for some time (60).

Frank-Walter Steinmeier is the patron of the above-mentioned Stifterverband. The executive committee is made up of active and former high-ranking personalities from companies such as BASF, Miele, Henkel and the Munich Reinsurance Company. Honorary members are the pastor and former Federal President Joachim Gauck, his predecessor Horst Köhler and Arend Oetker, who heads the empire of the same name. Names of major corporations such as Allianz, Bayer AG, Linde, Robert Bosch GmbH, Siemens, Thyssen-Krupp, Evonik, BMW, SAP (with a penchant for earning money in the vaccination sector), Infineon, Deutsche Bank and others appear on the advisory boards (61-63).

Victim or perpetrator? - This was the initial question: Has an answer other than the one given at the beginning of this paper been found?

Christian Drosten is a victim and perpetrator at the same time, he is the victim of his own actions and through the victim-perpetrator role one either shows solidarity with him or demonises him in public. This prevents us from recognizing and applying the essential and the highest potential for change that is connected with it: responsibility.

Please stay alert.

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(a1) With assets of 48 billion US dollars (as of 26 May 2020), Michael Bloomberg is one of the 20 (monetary) richest people in the world (64).

(a2) In 2010, 380,000 chicken eggs per day (!) were delivered to the GlaxoSmithKline serum plant in Dresden for the production of vaccines. I consider this to be another, hardly noticed inconceivability of our social system, in which in the name of health, all ethics, including ethics towards animals, is going down the drain (65).

(a3) It should also be noted that Sanofi is currently generating impressive additional business with antipyretic and analgesic products whose demand is driven by corona hysteria (66).

(a4) Another parallel to the current corona events: Three years after the end of the swine flu epidemic, experts once again calculated that the number of deaths from swine flu increased tenfold post mortem to over 200,000. As is currently the case, they attributed deaths due to respiratory diseases to the swine flu virus because "the H1N1 virus usually attacks the lungs and causes inflammation there". We are currently experiencing this principle again. One virus suddenly replaces all other causes of fatal lung diseases (67).

(a5) It is fascinating to see how "charitable associations" are regularly followed by tax-saving models of large corporations, however noble such initiatives may be in individual cases.

(1) Drosten and Helmholtz researchers warn of second Covid-19 wave

(2) see 1

(3) see 2

(4) “The wave has begun"

(5) see 4

(6) see 4

(7) German virologists race for swine flu test; 

(8) Discovery of a 382-nt deletion during the early evolution of SARS-CoV-2 

(9) Top virologist Drosten disaggregates confused corona thesis of lung specialist; 

(10) Interview with Christian Drosten; Need abbreviations for vaccine approval

(11) In March 2020, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced a donation of around 250,000 US dollars to the Berlin Charité;  

(12) Charité Global Heath website

(13) Swine flu: The calm before the storm?

(14) An expert in HIV research; Since 2019 Hendrik Streeck has been director of the Institute of Virology at the University of Bonn. Since 2012 Streeck had been a participant in the military (!) HIV research program of the USA and was simultaneously appointed to the Bloomberg School of Public Heath.

(15) A vaccine for millions;

(16) Master plan against killer viruses; Already two decades ago, people were working with the methods of today. Mathematical models were fed and the resulting emergency plans of the RKI contained compulsory vaccinations "for" the entire population of the Federal Republic as one of the measures. "Der Spiegel" documented the compulsory vaccination, which had long been anchored in the Infection Protection Act, in black and white as early as 2003: "According to the Infection Protection Act, the federal government can oblige citizens to undergo protective vaccinations". This already applied to the medical staff of the "competence centres" in Frankfurt/Main and Leipzig in 2003!

(17) Tamiflu flushes millions into Roche registers; 

(18) see 15

(19) A business without risk and side effects;

(20) Second wave of swine flu arrived; 

(21) WHO head accused of scaremongering; 

(22) Four lessons from the swine flu hysteria; 

(23) After the pandemic is before the pandemic

(24) Congress of the Union fraction (in the German Bundestag) on the UN Sustainability Goal Global Health

(25) European Medicines Agency; Arepanrix (swine flu vaccine)

(26) European Medicines Agency; Humenza (swine flu vaccine) 

(27) Hersteller von Schweinegrippe-Impfstoff ignorierte Risiken (Swine flu vaccine manufacturer ignored risks)

(28) Sophie von der Tann; "No vaccine is the greater risk"

(29) Drosten: Need Abbreviation for approval

(30) Joint declaration of the PEI and RKI on vaccines against pandemic ( H1N1) Influenza (swine flu)

(31) How vaccines against the coronavirus are being developed faster than ever. It is significant that a state of emergency was not recognized and effective, but was explicitly declared by the WHO days before. This was the starting signal for the conglomerate of pharmaceutical companies and the organisations that determine the fate of the WHO to announce an urgently needed, mass demand for vaccines against the virus and to immediately get the concepts that had long been reserved for this purpose out of the drawers.

(32) Answer of the Federal Government to a small question of the political party "die Linke"; use and storage of the drug Tamiflu [from the pharmaceutical company Roche]

(33) Pandemrix vaccine: why was the public not told of early warning signs?

(34) Schweden entschädigt Narkolepsie-Patienten (Sweden compensates narcolepsy patients)

(35) Virologen des Tropeninstituts erhalten Preis der Werner Otto Stiftung (Virologists of the Tropical Institute receive award from the Werner Otto Foundation)

(36) Medienpreis Bipolar 2003 – verliehen durch die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Bipolare Störungen e.V. (Media Prize Bipolar 2003 - awarded by the German Society for Bipolar Disorders)

(37)  Sanofi Webside from: 24.05.2020

(38) Biontech und Pfizer: USA sichern sich Corona-Impfstoff für fast zwei Milliarden Dollar (Biontech and Pfizer: USA secures corona vaccine for almost two billion dollars)

(39) No evidence that ibuprophene coronavirus disease worsens 

(40) Coronavirus treatment: Ibuprofen may worsen effects of COVID-19? Sanofi counters WHO statement

(41) Pharmaceutical company Sanofi: dispute over right of first refusal on vaccine

(42) Sanofi defends vaccine deal with the USA, Union faction sour

(43) Sanofi und GSK bündeln ihre Kräfte in einer beispiellosen Impfstoff-Kooperation zur Bekämpfung von COVID-19 (Sanofi and GSK join forces in an unprecedented vaccine collaboration to combat COVID-19)

(44) Sanofi und GSK gehen eine Impfstoff-Kooperation zur Bekämpfung von COVID-19 ein (Sanofi and GSK enter into a vaccine collaboration to combat COVID-19)

(45) Resume of Dr. Christian Drosten

(46) Identification of a Novel Coronavirus in Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. In: New England Journal of Medicine. Band 348, 2003, S. 1967–1976

(47) Federal Office of Public Health (Schweiz); SARS 2003/04 worldwide

(48) Tanzania suspends laboratory head after president questions coronavirus tests

(49) see 25

(50) Furcht vor Quecksilber im Impfstoff (Fear of mercury in vaccine)

(51) Joint statement of the DGFI and the GFV

(52) viewed: 24.05.2020

(53)  Profile Emma Walmsley; viewed: 24.05.2020

(54) WHO on the begging staff: Bill Gates determines what is healthy

(55) Angus Liu; GSK CEO Walmsley to join Microsoft board as tech giant wades deeper into healthcare

(56) Christian Drosten awarded for outstanding science communication; 

(57) Christian Drosten warnt: Studie aus Italien alarmierend (Christian Drosten warns: Study from Italy alarming)

(58) Christian Drosten in conversation with Silvia Engels

(59) Assumptions, estimates, faith - the "scientific" criteria of Prof. Drosten;  

(60) Franco Zotta in conversation with Manfred Götzke; 

(61) Annual report of the Stifterverband 2018/19

(62) Board list of the Stifterverband

(63) The founder of the software company SAP, Dietmar Hopp, is also the majority shareholder of the genetic engineering company CureVac, which is pursuing the idea of injecting modelled gene fragments, so-called mRNA. The Gates Foundation has also invested generously in CureVac. This fits in well with the self-conception of the increasingly megalomaniacal "do-gooders" who are also stylised by the frightened populations - as supposed saviours in times of need - as saints.

(64) Forbes list of all billionaires

(65) see 15

(66) 09.04.2020; Thorsten Winter; Securing active pharmaceutical ingredients for Europe

(67) H1N1 forderte 203.000 Todesopfer (H1N1 claimed 203,000 lives)

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