The details

The details

Globex SCI is an unique ecosystem, which objective is to create a strong link between scientists all over the world and to provide them with a platform for the exchange of scientific knowledge from all sorts of fields. This is a very serious and delicate work. To achieve it, the interest of all concerned parties are necessary. Who are these parties? Let’s figure it out together.

First and foremost, they are users. The platform divides users into two categories: readers and content makers. Readers, who hold tokens (in the future coins), use them to purchase subscriptions or one-time access to scientific database. Content-makers receive crypto-rewards for their content depending on number of requests of their articles.

Doubtless, they are miners. They keep part of scientific articles database, providing hard-drive space and computational power for stored data processing. Miners receive rewards for each external access to their articles, which are stored on their devices.

Also, one of these concerned parties are advertisers. Owing to platform characteristics, the level of engagement in the content reading remains high. This gives an opportunity to monetize the user base by selling it to advertisers using RTB model and DMP (we are the data owners). Advertisers pay for each view of relevant native advertising in the context of scientific article.

Moreover, Globex SCI works together with universities, research centers and academic journals. The platform can buy subscriptions to a number of publishing houses, distribute it among its blockchain users or pay them for each article access request on the Globex SCI platform. Publishing houses sell subscription rights and receive deductions for users downloading their articles stored in blockchain without risk of spreading pirate content.

In a nutshell, we strive to satisfy the interests of all concerned parties. That’s why Globex SCI will reach success!

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