The age of reason

The age of reason


There has to be a reason for all of this. Existence. Even if there wasn't, we'd have to make our own. It's what we do. It's in our nature. Like a seed of knowledge in our heads, it stands to reason that at some point or another we'd wonder as to why it all is. At some point we stop asking and sort of begin to treat that question as a rhetorical one. Choosing for ourselves what we'd like it to be.

I think that regardless of who you are and where you come from you have an undeniable right of law to the liberty of your own existence. Many question as to why what happens happens when two of the same right interact and clash with choices that seem counterintuitive to the part of the other part.

It's lack of understanding. Perspective is a way to empathy which in my experience has been a powerful and peaceful way to prosperity. I believe it to be the root of Law. Perspective in the understanding of ideas, rhetoric, even visual dynamics and perceptual variations of vision. What concerns me as a human being in 2016, among the many things that affect me personally, is a large consensus of friction among these varying parties. Whom's effectual eventual outcomes will affect many. Each that hold on to their individual ideology, because it's what they understand.

I know there is a way to resolve these conflicts. Each of which can help us grow as individuals. Growth which in my opinion, all human beings can achieve, which is an undeniable necessity for this planet. I have made my mistakes, even though, I choose to stand where I think it's right.

There is a lot that each of us has to contend with. To be honest most of us don't even have to worry about this. Precisely because the scope of our own problems is just as huge.

Thankfully, so is the scope of our solutions. The problem therein rests in the friction between people. We need to find ways to mitigate our shortcomings. And truly see the solution to situations.

I hope this helps.

I'm a developer. After the election I've been shaken to say something about what it is that's driven me as a person for the better part of my life. I'm worried about the state of our food, and the state of our ethics, the way people are treated, what's acceptable and what isn't. I'm emboldened by nature's will to counteract peace with chaos. To understand why someone would deliberately choose deceit over honesty and cooperation, that is something I do not want. unfortunately that's something that all of us have had to deal with. It's unruly, it's unfair. Fairness itself being something that's been for a long time debated.

I'm tired and I'm pissed off and I know that I'm not the only one. 

Thanksgiving just passed and many people did and do what they needed to to be happy. Still, many people feel deceived, and bullied into submission to bequeath their time and their health, their very peace and lively-hood for the luxuries of others. People call it the free market, why then do we limit the amount that any one person can earn to mean below a living wage.It's ridiculous. 

Yet day's like today, where some can live the dream of "What if you could have all the things you want?" and the market can measure itself in terms of supply and demand. While politicians and law-makers decide what they can and will do to alleviate frictions between people, and the working class is reminded of many, many things all at the same time, are days that remind me that we need to figure out how to stop fucking people over.

I feel powerless, though I've known I'm not. As a human being I have say in this. Not because "America" or any one country allows it, but because as a human being without intended harm for another it should be right for every peaceful person to live peacefully, without the psychological pressures of deceit. 

So my question is, why is this so then? Why are there people in the midwest forced to pay more to live than what they make? Or people anywhere for that matter? It's akin to psychological warfare, taking advantage of people through their innocence and ignorance. It is a cowardly thing to do. Will that not cause lack of peace, and therefore unrest?

As a developer let me just say that there is a point at which the calculations in the machine find equivalence between what you tell it to do and what should happen. It is to the ratio of this point that our living wages should be calculated based on what we earn to what we achieve. It seems to me ludicrous that based on circumstantial means, humans are limited to where they can go and what they can do. Yet that is exactly how it is. Of course this would drive people upset, a reason the wealthy put forth as to why the poor are poor. That's not to say there are un-balances between, where the wealthy are upset and the 'poor' content, for when the pressure of necessity falls like a veil on your eyes one can finally see that even without material necessity we must all content with being human. This can drive wealthy people mad too. 

This is a problem whose solution rests in the values that our whole civilization focuses on. It is recursive demise to limit any one human being, regardless of creed, for we know our own collective power. Why then do we see civilizations crumble?

Limiting any one group of people is cause for terrible friction. How then do we minimize human strife? How then do we define the type of human to prioritize were one human morally in the right but less in quantity? How then do we measure suffering and how the law is based on that?

We need to mitigate this. The same way we mitigate server loads. I believe that it is mathematics, the foundations and very roots of our civilization that can help save us in this. The arts of sciences, philosophies and plain respect for each human being. 

This I believe is something that should be prioritized.

Humans are naturally capable, we just need to give the right capabilities, through probability. The short article I wrote speaks to this. 

We must understand and find a way to fix the things that are broken, one breath and keystroke at a time.

Thanks for reading.


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