The XMen Apocalypse Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd

The XMen Apocalypse Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd


The X-Men: Apocalypse Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd

Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshiped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel's X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto, to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven with the help of Professor X must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.
Since the beginning of time there has been a mutant named Apocalypse who has incredible powers. After being resurrected Apocalypse emerges and seeks out to destroy the world with the help of four evil followers. As students at Professor X's School for the Gifted Charles Xavier and his students must defeat Apocalypse before he rules the world. Can they defeat Apocalypse or will he take over the world?
With a name like Apocalypse you&#39;ve got to expect big things. The true definition of the word expects to exhibit destruction of biblical proportions and that&#39;s exactly what we have been promised here. Our gang of misfits are up against the first mutant that ever existed and the most powerful, or so they say. Imagine people&#39;s surprise when pre-release set photography showed their supposed ultra-baddie looking like Ivan Ooze from the Power Rangers Movie. Under the heavy prosthetics lies the superb acting talent of Oscar Isaac, a man with enough grit to pull off a truly menacing antagonist but, thanks to their overzealous make-up team, the movie took a worrying turn before it even had a chance to hit the screens. Bryan Singer announced that this is a &#39;monster of a movie&#39; and that audiences have not seen &#39;this level of destruction in any previous X-Men movie&#39;. That may be the case but has the monster he created come back to destroy him? <br/><br/>We catch up with our heroes seven years after the events of Days of Future Past. Professor Xavier (James McAvoy) and Hank McCoy&#39;s (Nicholas Hoult) School for Gifted Youngsters is thriving with new editions; a pale and lifeless Jean Grey (Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner), a lovable and creepy Nightcrawler (Kodi Smit-McPhee) and the all- American reject Scott Summers (Tye Sheridan). Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) is now a mercenary, picking up stray mutants who are being abused by humans and sending them into hiding, a far cry from the slippery assassin given to us from Rebecca Romijn in the original trilogy. She&#39;s a hero in the eyes of other mutants and greatly admired, especially from an impressionable Storm, played here by Alexandra Shipp sporting a pretty cool Mohawk. Unfortunately for Shipp, her Mohawk is all that&#39;s cool about her as she barely gets the opportunity to shine. <br/><br/>As the great Deadpool once said, &#39;These timelines are so confusing.&#39; Thanks to the events of Days of Future Past, this movie is set with an alternate timeline giving Singer the green light to reintroduce characters who existed in the previous movies. Olivia Munn plays Psylocke, a mutant who is clearly a lot older in 1983 than her first appearance (played by Mei Melancon) in The Last Stand which was based in present day. Ben Hardy received a lot of attention in the press for his portrayal of Angel (mainly because he looks cool), a role taken by a Ben Foster who, at the time, is younger than the likes of Storm and Jean Grey. And Raven is a good guy now! Who knew?! <br/><br/>The reintroduction of the prominent characters in the series immediately becomes premise for constant nods to the original trilogy, something Singer was annoyingly guilty of in Days of Future Past. He&#39;s not necessarily doing it because he likes to blow his own horn but because he finds out what works for his movie and milks it for all it&#39;s worth. Quicksilver is a prime example of this; Evan Peters stole the show last time with his quick quips and hilarious slow-mo action sequence aptly played along to &#39;Time in a Bottle&#39; by Jim Croce. Well, he&#39;s back with an equally hilarious, extended scene and a few more lines this time around. However, after the initial reintroduction, it&#39;s almost like Singer doesn&#39;t know what to do with him and what seems like a prominent story line fades into the background with the rest of the &quot;new editions&quot;.<br/><br/>That brings us to the main man himself, Apocalypse. Singer&#39;s decision to put Isaac in a suit rather than have a fully rendered CGI version of the character (like Marvel&#39;s Thanos) is so that he can fully interact with other characters on screen but the size of his character makes him less than impressive. It&#39;s not just the fact that he looks ridiculous, they don&#39;t impact on what makes him such a serious threat. Apocalypse existed as a God amongst men for centuries before some of his followers buried him alive in a tomb, only to be rudely awakened by a snooping Moira McTaggart (Rose Byrne returning to her role from First Class). He has the ability to transport his body into other mutants and with that picking up their powers along the way. The idea of Apocalypse should be terrifying but what we&#39;re given is another unimpressive, run-of-the-mill, bad guy set up to be defeated by an untrained team of kids and a pep- talk.<br/><br/>On a positive note, while we all complain about movies that contain too much CGI, in reality that is why we watch these movies, so that we can see what cannot be done with average special effects. X-Men are certainly good at that and you will not be disappointed with action sequences. Any fan of the series will enjoy this movie for the gratuity of it and they have certainly spent money and time building their apocalyptic World with some exceptional visuals.<br/><br/>On the way into the cinema a friend of mine told me that he was, &#39;a bit superhero&#39; d out&#39; and at the moment I&#39;d be inclined to agree with him (Gasp! Shock! Horror!). What we expect as an audience to is to be entertained in new and exciting ways but if all they can do is churn out the same movie with a slightly different cast then, in that respect, audiences are going to lose interest. X-Men: Apocalypse is not as bad as the critics make out if you can accept that this is a comic book movie made for the sole purpose of pure, unadulterated, nonsensical entertainment and you can look past Oscar Isaac&#39;s horrendously silly costume. <br/><br/>Ivan Oopocalypse. Sorry, not sorry.
Matthew Vaughn&#39;s X-Men: First Class was a highly refreshing take on the origin stories of the significant members of X-Men universe. A reboot of the series (sort of), it made really effective use of the provided clean slate to put up a thoroughly gripping tale that delivered on all fronts. Three years later, X-Men: Days of Future Past followed which allowed director Bryan Singer to return to the franchise he himself brought to life back in 2000. And it didn&#39;t just succeed as a worthy sequel to First Class but also served as a fitting conclusion to the original X-Men trilogy.<br/><br/>What impressed me most about Days of Future Past was the remarkable balance it exhibited while juggling different timelines, in addition to its exquisite handling of the arcs of multitudes of characters, all carried out without compromising with the entertainment factor. The post-credit sequence in that movie did tease an ambitious storyline for the next instalment and that&#39;s what X- Men: Apocalypse is. But this time, Bryan Singer fails to duplicate what he pulled off so seamlessly in his last venture, for Apocalypse is a muddled, bloated &amp; uninspiring second sequel that works only in bits n pieces.<br/><br/>The story of X-Men: Apocalypse takes place in the 1980s, a decade after the events of the last film. Charles Xavier (Professor X) has created a haven for his students in his school, enrolling troubled mutants like Scott Summers &amp; Jean Grey. Eric Lehnsherr (Magneto) is living a low-profile life in Poland with a family of his own, while Raven (Mystique) has kept herself busy over the years, freeing enslaved mutants from their captivity. But all of them are brought into conflict when En Sabah Nur aka Apocalypse, the world&#39;s first mutant, awakens after centuries and, disillusioned with what the world has become in his absence, decides to destroy &amp; remake it.<br/><br/>Directed by Bryan Singer, Apocalypse opens on a promising note, for the prologue set in ancient Egypt that covers the tale of En Sabah Nur is intriguing, brilliantly shot &amp; brims with excitement. Even the segment dealing with Eric&#39;s life in Poland is quite fascinating but the remainder of the plot fails to keep the interest alive as it delves into a familiar territory and ultimately finishes on a dull, predictable &amp; uninteresting note. Simon Kinberg&#39;s screenplay isn&#39;t up to the mark either plus it appears as if he wrote the script in a hurry by skipping over deeper character introspections &amp; proper polishing of the final draft, just so that the film can make it to its theatrical release date.<br/><br/>Production design team once again does a stellar job at recreating the given timeline. Cinematography aims for a darker tone than its predecessors, the desaturated colour palette adds a grim vibe to its frames, and although the entire picture is encapsulated with an overcast feel, the images retain its sharpness &amp; clarity. Editing is a total mess, for its 144 minutes of runtime is severely felt during the second half, many moments end up overstaying its welcome as the plot meanders over trivial stuff, and overall, the different subplots fail to merge into a unified whole. Visual effects is state-of-the-art stuff yet much of it comes off as nothing but empty spectacle, and even John Ottman&#39;s score is a letdown for the most part.<br/><br/>Coming to the performances, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult &amp; Rose Byrne return to reprise their respective roles of Professor X, Magneto, Mystique, Beast &amp; Moira MacTaggert and all of them exhibit greater comfort in their character&#39;s skin and play their part convincingly. McAvoy &amp; Fassbender once again stand out from the rest, Lawrence is no slouch either, while both Hoult &amp; Byrne do a capable job with what they are given. Also returning to the fold is Evan Peters as Quicksilver and he pretty much steals the show with another swashbuckling slow-mo sequence but this time, he&#39;s beaten by Hugh Jackman whose cameo as Wolverine is a major highlight of X-Men: Apocalypse, in my opinion.<br/><br/>The new additions comprise of Oscar Isaac (En Sabah Nur / Apocalypse), Sophie Turner (Jean Grey), Tye Sheridan (Cyclops), Kodi Smit-McPhee (Nightcrawler), Olivia Munn (Psylocke), Alexandra Shipp (Storm) &amp; Ben Hardy (Angel). Playing what&#39;s supposed to be the most powerful mutant to surface on the big screen so far, Isaac is totally wasted in his role as Apocalypse fails to live up to his image, is never for once intimidating &amp; is just another addition in the long list of clichéd villains. Turner is more Sansa Stark than Jean Grey here, Smit-McPhee is downright hilarious and plays the comic relief part to near-perfection, while Munn chips in with a strong input. But since she isn&#39;t given enough screen time, she is unable to fully explore her character.<br/><br/>On an overall scale, lacking the freshness of First Class and creative delights of Days of Future Past, X-Men: Apocalypse is the weakest chapter of the three, and it ultimately is to this prequel series what The Last Stand was to the original trilogy. Having directed three films of this franchise previously, this is the first time Singer has struggled to put up a gripping tale about mutants on the film canvas. Not everything is a disaster here but some little refinements in the script would have resulted in a wholly different &amp; better movie. Taking too long to set all its pieces on the board, providing no depth to its new set of characters (especially the main villain), ineffectively handling the arcs of returning characters, putting more emphasis on CGI spectacle &amp; overloaded action, further fractured by its terribly written climax, and downright mediocre in content, X-Men: Apocalypse continues the long-existing Hollywood tradition of finishing a trilogy on a weak, underwhelming &amp; frustrating note. Watch it only if you want to.
Apocalypse, for all its faults, has the audacity to make the MCU look small, and the conviction to make the DCU — if there even is such a thing — look foolish for confusing self-seriousness with gravity. If only these characters were allowed to be as complex as the ideas they fight for, Apocalypse could have represented a new beginning for superhero cinema.
One can say both. X-Men: Apocalypse is a reboot as it takes place in a reset timeline due to the events of the previous film X-Men: Days of Future Past. The timeline goes back to the origins of the mutants with younger versions of the X-Men. It is also a sequel due to taking place after the main events in Days of Future Past, which took place in the 1970s and most of the cast of First Class and Days of Future Past have returned. No. Shortly before the film movie was released, Bryan Singer announced that X-Men: Apocalypse and the then-upcoming third Wolverine film (Hugh Jackman&#39;s last role as Wolverine) would be the final chapters of his X-Men film franchise. However, the studio had a number of other films planned. Among them, It is rumoured that one is or would be titled &quot;X-Force&quot;. It is uncertain if the film will be canon and will be apart of the cinematic X-Men universe. Though rumour has it the film after the next will be set in the 1990s, with the current cast. So, perhaps Bryan Singer will step down as director if the series continues. Yes, there is. He does indeed lose his hair near the end of the film, so the film&#39;s poster is truthful in a sense even if slightly misleading. Excluding ones that came out after Apocalypse, there are nine: X-Men (2000), X2 (2003), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), X-Men Origins: Wolverwine (2009), X: First Class (2011), The Wolverine (2013), X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), Deadpool (2016) and X-Men: Apocalypse (2016). a5c7b9f00b

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