The War Of The Worlds Movie Download

The War Of The Worlds Movie Download


The War Of The Worlds Movie Download

Producer George Pal's and director Byron Haskin's landmark adaptation of the classic H.G. Wells novel that focuses on the invasion of the Earth by Martian war machines.
It's the 20th century and, to the unsuspecting human population, Martians are appearing on Earth with destruction on their mind. While everyone panics, Dr. Clayton Forrester and Sylvia Van Buren join together in hiding out away from all the mayhem.
I saw Spielberg&#39;s adaptation of War of the Worlds and thought it was kind of a dud. However, in all fairness to him, at least he captured the chaos and terror of what it would be like if aliens invaded earth. This adaptation from the 1950s was so incredibly boring and lackluster, I kept falling asleep throughout. The weird thing is that it&#39;s more or less more faithful to the novel than Spielberg&#39;s movie, and the special effects were decent for their time. I also thought it was rather cool to have the invasion take place in contemporary times (as opposed to the Victorian era).<br/><br/>Faithful or not, this version is dull, dull, dull in terms of pacing, action and tension. The fact that everything seemed to be shot on a drab sound stage made everything all the worse. The Martians were so ludicrous looking (about as bad as the parrot alien from Night of the Blood Beast) that I just gave up. A complete snoozefest, and perfect MST3K fodder.
I&#39;ve read the book and of the three films that I&#39;ve seen that have been adapted from the book, this one is still the best. This movie doesn&#39;t have quite the glitzy special effects that were used in the recent Spielberg version, but the effects are numerous (and exceptional for their day). The movie was produced in 1953 &amp; the effects, which won an academy award, stand up even today. I found them clever and (mostly) quite believable. The movie maintains a fast pace with plenty of action and some very tense moments midway through that will leave you feeling pretty creepy if you watch it alone in the dark.<br/><br/>Not only are the &quot;Martians&quot; really bad, we also see how our society begins to break down as the combined military might of the world seems unable to stop the alien onslaught. Through it all, a dedicated group of scientists continue to work on ways to defeat the aliens even as the world is dying around them. Although their efforts are no match for the alien invaders, the aliens have also made a serious miscalculation and upon that little mistake hangs the fate of all mankind. You won&#39;t know who is going to win until the last five minutes of the movie. The &quot;surprise&quot; ending of the story is true to Wells&#39; book, written over 100 years ago. <br/><br/>I prefer this particular version of the story because it maintains a level of tension and a good pace without subjecting us to the gore and violence that pervade modern films. Even without the gore, this film is probably too intense for young children. For a combination of a strong story combined with good effects, this movie is a winner that your whole family can watch.

Corona, California, about 50 miles south-southeast of Los Angeles proper. Corona is in Riverside County near where Interstate 15 and route 91 now interesect. Neither highway was there at the time: just the old US 395. Corona was mainly ranches, farms, and woods at the time. It is now a relatively modern, bustling city near where two major Southern California highways and two large California counties (Orange and Riverside) meet. a5c7b9f00b

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