The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Scooter for Your Son

The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Scooter for Your Son

Jamie Reeves
boys scooter

When it comes to outdoor play and physical activity, a boy's scooter is a great option for children of all ages. Scooters have become very popular among children, and they are a fun way for them to get exercise and improve their coordination. With so many different types of boys scooters available on the market, choosing the right one for your child can be a daunting task. In this guide, we'll help you navigate your options so you can make an informed decision when it comes to purchasing the perfect boys scooter for your son.

Choose the Right Size

The first thing you'll want to consider when buying a boys scooter is the size. Scooters come in various sizes, and you want to make sure you choose one that is appropriate for your child's age and weight. A scooter that is too small or too large can be difficult to ride and might even be dangerous.

For younger children between the ages of 3-5, a mini scooter would be an appropriate choice. These scooters are smaller in size and have three wheels for added stability. They are also lightweight, making them easy for children to maneuver.

For children between the ages of 5-12, you'll want to opt for a regular-sized scooter. These scooters have two wheels and are designed to be a little larger than mini scooters. They can withstand rough terrain and are perfect for children who are looking for a more challenging ride.

Choose the Right Material

Another important factor to consider when buying a boys scooter is the material it is made of. There are a variety of materials to choose from including plastic, aluminum, and steel.

Plastic scooters are lightweight and easy to handle, but they may not be as durable as scooters made from other materials. Aluminum and steel scooters are more durable and can handle rough play and bumpy terrain but they are heavier, which may make riding more difficult for younger children.

Consider the Type of Brakes

Brakes are an important safety feature on boys scooters. They are designed to help children stop quickly and safely. When choosing a scooter, you'll want to consider whether you want a foot brake or a hand brake.

Foot brakes are typically found on mini scooters and are activated by pushing down on the fender with your foot. Hand brakes are found on regular-sized scooters and are activated by squeezing the brake lever on the handlebars. Hand brakes offer more control and are easier for children to use.

Think About the Wheels

When purchasing a boys scooter, the wheels are an important consideration. There are two types of wheels to choose from: plastic and rubber.

Plastic wheels are lightweight and durable, but they may not provide enough traction on wet or slippery surfaces. Rubber wheels, on the other hand, are heavier but offer better traction and a smoother ride. They are also quieter than plastic wheels, which can make riding a more pleasant experience.


There are many things to consider when purchasing a boys scooter. The right scooter will provide your child with hours of playtime and help them stay active and healthy. By considering factors such as size, materials, brakes, and wheels, you can make an informed decision that will help your son enjoy his scooter to the fullest. 

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