The Tuxedo Hd Full Movie Download

The Tuxedo Hd Full Movie Download


The Tuxedo Hd Full Movie Download

Jimmy Tong is just a lowly chauffeur for millionaire Clark Devlin, until Devlin has an accident that puts him in the hospital. Tong is sent back to fetch some things for Devlin and unknowingly tries on Devlin's tuxedo and finds that it gives extraordinary powers to anyone that dons the suit. This discovery thrusts Tong into world of international intrigue and espionage and pairs him with an inexperienced partner.
A hapless chauffeur must take a comatose secret agent's place using his special gadget-laden tuxedo.
I thought the movie was pretty good. I didn't mind the silly plot. Jackie Chan is a natural for physical comedy, I think. His timing is always perfect and he was fun to watch. But Jennifer Love Hewitt is the reason, I think, that this movie is only fair. She just sleep-walks through the movie. It's one thing to play a woman trying to be emotionless and another to actually BE emotionless. There is no chemistry whatsoever between her and any other actor in the movie, much less between her and Chan. I'd like to see a sequel, without Hewitt.
STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All Costs<br/><br/>Okay,so from the off-point,we realize this is nothing more than simple escapist fare.A story about a tuxedo that gives it&#39;s wearer the power to perform extraordinary,super-human feats and stunts was very unlikely to ever be perceived as potentially thought-provoking or socially insightful.So,it&#39;s a sign of just how poor a film The Tuxedo is that it just isn&#39;t any fun at all.Chan&#39;s previous ability to perform all his own stunts,even at the very real risk of life-and-limb,is blatently covered by CGI in this film and for the first time ever,looks totally fake,which completely ruins the effect.Not only that,but his character just isn&#39;t any fun at all.Jennifer Love Hewitt is woefully miscast as his sidekick,whilst Jason Isaacs and Peter Stormare,two respectable actors,appear in embarrassing co-starring roles.First time director Kevin Donovan helms the whole joyless affair pacelessly,and when even the out-takes at the end aren&#39;t any fun,you know you&#39;re in trouble.*
The result isn't merely ludicrous, it's something far worse. It's drab. It's uninteresting. It squanders Chan's uniqueness; it could even be said to squander Jennifer Love Hewitt!

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