The Tuxedo Full Movie Download

The Tuxedo Full Movie Download


The Tuxedo Full Movie Download

A hapless chauffeur must take a comatose secret agent's place using his special gadget-laden tuxedo.
Jimmy Tong is just a lowly chauffeur for millionaire Clark Devlin, until Devlin has an accident that puts him in the hospital. Tong is sent back to fetch some things for Devlin and unknowingly tries on Devlin's tuxedo and finds that it gives extraordinary powers to anyone that dons the suit. This discovery thrusts Tong into world of international intrigue and espionage and pairs him with an inexperienced partner.
I left the TV on accidentally and this movie was playing when I woke in the morning. I wanted to get out of bed to make a cup of coffee but couldn't. I was glued to the TV watching Jackie Chan. I had never heard of this one and could not figure out the title just by watching as I thought I knew all of Jackie Chan movies. And when I saw Jackie kill James Brown I was even more confused. I logged into IMDb and it took awhile to track it down but I found it after 20 minutes or so. Anyway, great movie, despite not seeing the beginning or the end I shall have to rent it or something to see what I missed, that my friends is why I rate it 7, probably be a 10 once I see the complete movie.
Not much of a story but seriously what do you expect from a Jackie Chan movie? At least they didn't focus too much on the already much-abused 'evil genius plotting a world-spanning scheme' theme and simply focused on what Jackie can do -- make a movie where he is the SPECIAL EFFECT. I had lots of laughs while watching this movie. The action isn't as nonstop as the Rush Hour movies but there is enough to go by. I wasn't disappointed, and by their reaction, so were the rest of the people who watched this one with me. I'm glad I didn't listen to the critics' reviews. :)
The only possible surprise in The Tuxedo would be an extended demonstration of what was once Chan's trademark, the daffily choreographed kineticism forbidden of late by either his own age or the scruples of story editors.

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