The Times Teens Hobby Today

The Times Teens Hobby Today


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Teenage Interests and Hobbies: Why You Should Help Adolescents Find their Passion.
If you’re thinking adults can’t relate to teenage interests and hobbies, you’re probably right. Being a teenager is probably one of the hardest things in life. Between looming SAT exams and grown-ups out of touch with teens, the world looks pretty cruel. It’s like the world is designed to mess with teenagers every day. Yet, most adults love to remind teens how easy they have it. You’ll hear someone quip, “When I was your age, we didn’t have Uber. We had to walk to the bus stop’. 
But you don’t have to be that grown up teens see as a drag. You can be the fun, cool, and hip grown-up they want to hang out with all day long. How do you do that? By taking some interest in things they are in to. You know, being the person adolescents want hang out with because you are fun. 
But don’t fake it by reading up on top 10 teenage interests on a website and assume every teen out there agrees with the. You’ll need to put a bit of work into uncovering unique hobbies a young person likes. Otherwise, you might end up getting everything wrong and torture some poor teen with fitness activities for elementary students.
Taking Interest in Teen Interests and Hobbies is Good for You
“Wait. Can grown-ups enjoy teen stuff?” you ask? You bet you will, because believe it or not, hanging out with your teen friend or family member can be refreshing. You get to a chance to let loose a bit and forget all those worries that have been eating away at you every day of the week. Those few hours you spend with your soon to be adult friends can be the refreshing break you need to recharge. 
But you’re won’t be the only one benefiting from taking an interest in cool hobbies for teens. You’ll also be giving the youth hanging out with you a chance to have a role model in their lives. That means you get the chance to play and nurture the next generation at the same time. What could be more awesome than that, parents?
So, let’s brush up on your teen skills. We will also get you caught up on what young people like to do with this list of top 10 teenage interests and hobbies!
But before we get to that, you’ll probably want to know how adolescents spend their time. Just so that you don’t mess with their schedule by taking them to a music concert on a school night.
This shouldn’t be much of a surprise because everyone takes a snooze at the end of the day, even if you work the night shift. Your average adolescent will be in bed by 10 p.m. They’ll sleep for the next 8 and a half hours if they’re not distracted. 
Most teens are usually up by 7 in the morning and in school by 9 where they’ll spend the next 6 and a half hours. They might spend more time in school if they’re into sports and other activities. 
You most likely grab a bite with your friends at work and to unwind after a hard day’s work. Well, teens are no different. They want to do something fun. Like the rest of us after a whole day of work and chores. 
If they have any hobbies, teens still have enough energy to squeeze an hour or two into things they like doing. You’re too beat after getting off from work and you can’t wait to get home hit the couch and watch an hour of TV before dinner. 
Today’s youth spend about 2 hours and 15 minutes on their smartphones chatting, watching videos, or playing games.
This is probably the most hated activity for any teen. According to statistics, they spend about an hour doing homework. Most parents with adolescents know this. Music or video games are much more appealing that homework. 
A typical adolescent has about 30 to 60 minutes of work in him or her to dedicate to work.
That’s about it. Know you have a timetable of everything an adolescent does with their time on any given day. You can now work out when to spare time and join them in their preferred teenage interests and hobbies.
What you might have noticed though is, teens spend about half their time doing things that adults would consider non-productive. 
They spend a good deal of their time social media, watching TV, or grooming themselves. But remember, you spend a bit of time relaxing and recharging too. Everyone needs some rest or some kind of distraction every now and then.
They probably not, and leaving them with so much time on their hands is a recipe for getting into trouble. If you don’t believe it, statistics show that teens who spend their downtime on other activities apart from hobbies, tend to get into trouble more often than those who spend their downtime on hobbies like extra-curricular activities, reading, writing, or in a music band. The data might be a bit dated, but it’s not too far off the mark. 
What sort of trouble might they get into if they don’t pursue constructive and positive hobbies you ask? Well, here’s what the data says:
And no. Chatting away on a smartphone is not considered as a constructive hobby. Let’s see how you can help your young friend pick up constructive hobbies.
You don’t need scientific research to tell you that the right teenage interests and hobbies help teens meet new people, develop new passions, and gain new skills outside school, and more importantly, they also get to have fun. But you do need a bit of refresher in adolescent development to drive home the importance of the right hobbies.
The two most important things that happen during teen years are identity formation and differentiation. Identity formation is exactly what you think – it’s the process where adolescents develop a unique identity, preferences, needs, and skills. Differentiation is part identity formation but it’s leans more towards the formation of a unique identity. One that is free from that of parents and the rest of the family. 
Hobbies play an important role in the formation of adolescent identity and differentiation outside the family. With the right hobby, you can be sure they’ll develop into responsible adults and escape all those nasty things that come with unconstructive hobbies.
Here are some constructive hobbies you could help teens pick up, and even share with them. We promise both of you will have loads of fun and achieve positive growth.
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One thing that every teen can’t resist is either listening to music or being part of the music making process. Scientific studies show that adults can’t physically enjoy music the same way teens do. Teens tend to have a deeper connection with music because it helps them explore their identity. 
Remember what we said about identity formation? Well, music is like the glue that brings all the different aspects of their emerging identity together. 
So, don’t try and judge their choice of music. Instead, become part of their emerging new identities and help them better understand the changes occurring in their bodies and around them by enjoying or supporting their choice in music. You can even encourage them to start their own music band and explore their talents. 
Another great choice of teenage interests and hobbies is sports. Just about any sport will help an adolescent explore the different aspects of their emerging identities. Sports also help teens bond with peers who share similar interests which goes a long way in helping them through the differentiation process. 
But there’s a caveat when it comes to sports. 
Research (we’ve quoted lots of scientific studies in the article, but when it comes to the personal development of a person, you want all the data at your fingertips, right?) shows teens who play in varsity sports are more likely to engage in underage drinking. 
All that testosterone coupled with the excitement is bound to make them want to try new and grown-up things. 
Luckily, you can make sure adolescents do binge drink even when they play varsity sports by getting them involved in other meaningful hobbies like arts and music. Teens who take up music and arts are less likely to develop problem behaviors like drug use. 
Talking of arts, lots of teens enjoy unwinding with a good read. If you don’t believe it, check out the how fast the teen fantasy genre sells out on your favorite book store. Or how huge the vampire series is among teens. 
Nurture the innate desire of adolescents to read by gifting them a popular book title now and then. You can even get them a voucher for a well-stocked book store if you’re not too sure which books they’d like. But arts are not all about reading. 
Other teens like experiencing themselves through creative arts like painting drawing, and sculpting. If one of the cool hobbies your teenage girl or boy shows interest in is painting, encourage them by getting them brushes and colors to express themselves. 
Other fun creative arts, which would be the perfect hobbies for girls include cooking and baking and jewelry-making. If you’re lost on creative arts hobbies for teenage boys think along the lines of car modeling, starting a coin collection, and even scrapbooking. You can’t go wrong with these. 
Volunteering for social causes is one of those teenage interests and hobbies you might not think has a lot of participants. But there are lots of teens around the world whose only ambition is making a difference in their communities. 
If that sounds like a youth you know, you might want to introduce them to typical volunteer positions in animal shelters, museums, libraries, and hospitals. 
You could even arrange for them to go for exotic volunteer locations where they get to site see while they do what they love best. 
Nothing is as interesting as a new toy, and technology brings an unlimited supply of new toys. As a hobby, technology gives adolescents the chance to explore emerging tools, and learn how they work. Perhaps more importantly, through technology, they get to acquire real-life skills sure to come in handy after graduating from high school. 
You’ll want to be careful though with this hobby though. It can be a little expensive maintaining a technology hobby. And since you want your young adolescent friend to grow up into a responsible adult, make sure they understand this and work towards chipping in for their new found hobby. 
That’s about it for teenage interests and hobbies. You now know why hobbies are important for the development of adolescents. Without meaningful hobbies or interests, they’re more likely to sink into a hole of wanton irresponsibility. 
Help teens become the best versions of themselves by getting them interested in one of the interests and hobbies suggested in the article. They’ll come to thank you later because you’ll have modeled them into responsible and productive citizens. Don’t also forget to make some time to enjoy some of these activities with your teen pal or family member. It will mean a lot to them to have an adult take interest in stuff they love. Who knows? Maybe all that you’ll put into helping them find the right interest or hobby will awake the genius in them?
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On any given weekday during the school year, the average American teenager spends about eight and a half hours sleeping and about six and a half hours in school. This leaves nine hours of their waking time unaccounted for. Which leaves us with an important question: what do our teenagers do during those nine hours?
First, let’s take a look at the big-picture data, published by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in the American Time Use Survey for 2017. Our data for hours spent in school comes from a different source – the National Center for Education Statistics.
How American Teens Spend Their Time
We’ll spend a moment on that homework figure because it’s misleading.

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By the numbers, they spend about sixty percent (about five hours) of that time doing things that we, as adults, would probably consider non-productive, such as using media/television, grooming, and “other” activities. Granted, teenagers need downtime just like we all do: time when we’re basically doing nothing but relaxing and recharging.
But do teens need five hours a day of downtime?
For teenagers, that sounds like a situation tailor-made for getting off track and getting in trouble.
The numbers say we’re right about that.
For the sake of this article, we’ll consider all extracurricular activities – including school clubs, school/non-school sports, and individual pursuits like reading, writing, and playing music – as hobbies. Think of a hobby as anything a teenager does outside of school hours that’s not compulsory and they don’t earn money doing. Viewed through that lens, research shows adolescents with hobbies are less likely to engage in high-risk behaviors compared to adolescents without hobbies. Data from a wide-ranging meta-analysis of how teens spend their time shows that teens who don’t spend any time at all doing extracurricular activities are:
There’s a minor caveat to this set of data: it’s from 1995. We use it because since then, no similar meta-analyses have been conducted which correlate the time teens spend participating in extracurricular activities with the likelihood they’ll engage in risky or problematic behaviors.
[Quick refresher: a meta-analysis is when researchers choose a large number of peer-reviewed journal publications and pool the data. They then apply statistical analyses which allow them to identify major trends like those mentioned in the bullet points above.]
However, various individual studies confirm the general theme presented by the gigantic 1995 meta-study: teens involved in extracurricular activities – i.e. hobbies – are less likely to participate in risky or problematic behaviors than teens who aren’t involved in extracurricular activities. Before we leave the big picture data to discuss the flipside – why hobbies are good for teens – we need to mention three interesting wrinkles researchers found in the numbers.
Now that we’ve presented the facts about what happens when teenagers don’t have hobbies, we’ll move on to the discussion you’ve been waiting for: why hobbies are good for teenagers.
Hobbies give teenagers a chance to meet new people, discover new passions, develop skills outside of school, and do something all kids (yes, teens are part kid) should do: have fun. You don’t need peer-reviewed scientific studies to tell you that. But you might need a little reminder about adolescent development to drive home the importance of hobbies. Two of the most important things that happen during the teen years are identity formation and differentiation. Identity formation is exactly what it sounds like: it’s the process of becoming an individual with an entire set of personal wants, needs, skills, and preferences. Differentiation is part of identity formation, but – and this is crucial – differentiation is special. It’s the formation of an identity outside and apart from parents and family.
Hobbies are a great way for teens to form an identity outside their family. And hobbies that take place after school hours can be even better. They also give teenagers a chance to forge their own path outside of the watchful eye of parents and teachers. While in school, teachers act as an extension of the family. That’s the law of the land: both common law dating back centuries and the U.S. Supreme court holding that school officials can act in loco parentis, or in the place of the parents.
But things like sports and band are different: it’s common knowledge that figures like sports coaches and band directors – while they’re coaching or directing a band – are neither teachers nor parents. They help teens learn and grow in new and different ways, under a unique set of rules and norms – all while teaching them skills they don’t learn at home or in class.
In addition to facilitating basic psychological needs, hobbies benefit teens on many levels. Here’s a partial list (we’ve already mentioned a couple).
A teenager might not know they love (insert anything: art, sports, computer coding, cooking) until they give it a shot.
Teens can make great leaps forward when they focus on something they choose and spend time doing it on their terms.
Playing sports, learning a musical instrument, or joining a club gets kids out there meeting people they wouldn’t ordinarily meet.
When a teenager succeeds at something related to their hobby, such as learning a new song, scoring a goal, or writing a poem, it builds their confidence, their sense of self-worth, and increases their overall mental and emotional well-being.
This is like self-esteem but it’s not the same thing. Self-esteem is general. This is spec
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