The Thor Ragnarok Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd

The Thor Ragnarok Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd


The Thor: Ragnarok Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd

After the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thor, held captive on the planet Sakaar without his hammer, must win a gladiatorial duel against an old friend, the Hulk, in order to return to Asgard in time to stop the villainous Hela and the impending Ragnarok, the doom of the Asgardian civilization.
Odin has died and Thor discovers that he has a sister, Hela, the Goddess of Death. She is incredibly powerful and malevolent and claims the throne to Asgard, killing anyone who opposes her. Thor and Loki accidentally end up on Sakaar, a planet run by the The Grandmaster, part-tyrant, part-ringmaster. Thor is imprisoned on the planet and forced to fight to the death against The Grandmaster's champion...the Hulk.
Can&#39;t agree with all the love and the praise this movie received. As with all Marvel movies I have high expectations, and on graphics they really do deliver. But the storyline and script of this movie does not go into my taste. Ragnarok? Where the heck was the actual ragnarok? You can&#39;t just call a movie ragnarok and have it be only a &#39;10-mins-in-the-end&#39; experience! And maybe the idea of integrating more humor is nice.. but at most times it was just too corny, and of low quality. Fight scenes cut weirdly so you see the attack begin, but not really end.. Hela is so powerful in Asgard, yet Thor still got to her. Loki deceived again and again, and then all of a sudden with no real reason he helped.. <br/><br/>Too many things were a bit too easy for my tastes and for my expectations of a Marvel movie
I just came back from seeing it and this movie is awesome man.<br/><br/>1) the action scenes were top notch in this movie. Thor has never been this epic in the MCU. He does some pretty epic sh*t in this movie and he is definitely not under-powered anymore. Thor in unleashed in this, I love that.<br/><br/>2) Marvel did a damn good job in hiding some spoilers in the trailers.<br/><br/>3) design-wise, the movie is totally beautiful. not a single bad effect in the movie. even the scene that changed from city to field looks better on the actual big screen.<br/><br/>4) the freaking soundtrack. absolutely perfect. Immigrant Song FTW.<br/><br/>5) Hela is totally bad-ass too. powerful, commanding, with just the right amount of scenery-chewing. hell, a lot of characters are so delightfully over-the-top in this.<br/><br/>6) great supporting cast too. Valkyrie owns everything the moment she enters the movie. even Surtur was pretty darn hardcore. and Korg is freaking hysterical. Man I loved Korg!<br/><br/>7) the movie&#39;s got a lot of humor. that may be a problem to some…..but, when it&#39;s time to take things seriously, the movie does exactly that. specially towards the spectacular third act, when real sh*t is going down, the humor dials back a ton. It is only during the Sakaar portions of the movie where most of the humour is, not without several moments of sincere character interaction of course.<br/><br/>8) I thought what they did with the &quot;Ragnarok&quot; part was kind of genius. this may not be the Winter Soldier of Phase 3 they told us, but it does make some significant changes to the overall MCU, or at least, the Thor section of the MCU.<br/><br/>9) The pacing of the movie was perfect. Plus there wasn&#39;t a single scene in which I felt bored.<br/><br/>Overall this was one of Marvel&#39;s best films for me. It would definitely be in my top 5 marvel movies along with civil war, winter soldier, guardians of the galaxy and iron man 1. I&#39;ll probably rank it at 2nd or 3rd!!!
A goofy, kitschy- but- fun romp and the most purely entertaining of the three Thor movies, marked by its distinctive designs, ‘80s synth score, and assemblage of spirited characters. It’s carried by the excellent chemistry between Thor, Hulk, and Valkyrie, who give humanity to a visual effects-heavy spectacle that finally makes good on Thor’s title of God of Thunder.
Yes, one during the final credits and one at the end. a5c7b9f00b

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