The The New Ron

The The New Ron


The The New Ron

Innocent suggestions have disastrous consequences when Kim convinces Ron to get a new haircut... and Ron convinces a billionaire recluse to try and take over the world!
Kim feels Ron needs a better haircut, so she has Francios, a friend of hers from Paris, redo his 'do. Ron doesn't like it until the girls at school take notice of him. Wade then calls with a mission: some unknown entity is draining Europe of all its electricity. Investigating, Kim and Ron find an island populated by Senor Senior, Sr. and his son, Senor Senior, Jr. Junior's sun lamp (50 ft. across) is what's draining the European power grid. Kim and Ron explain to the billionaire and his son about global resources, and Senior agrees to be more careful with his use of them. Ron then comments how lair-like their private island is. Senior doesn't like the reference, even as Ron details what other items he'd need to make his lair complete: self-actuating lasers, missiles, piranha moat, escape boats, and spinning tops of doom. Kim and Ron leave, but now Senior is of the mind that being a super-villain would be a good hobby. Back home, Ron's haircut is going to his head, and he's acquired a new wardrobe to go with it. Wade calls, and says the Seniors have turned bad: Senor Senior, Sr. wants all of Europe's islands in return for their power. Kim and Ron return, but now the lair is complete (except for koi in the moat, but they haven't been fed for days). While Kim battles lasers and spinning tops of doom, Ron goes to stop Junior from launching missiles at Middleton. Junior and Ron deter each other by messing up their haircuts, until Rufus convinces Ron that the haircut is not him. Ron stops the missiles, but the Seniors escape in their speedboat. Back home, Ron is back to being ignored, but he's OK with that.


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