The The Legend Of Ben Hall Full Movie In Hindi Free Download

The The Legend Of Ben Hall Full Movie In Hindi Free Download


The The Legend Of Ben Hall Full Movie In Hindi Free Download

Ben Hall is drawn back into bushranging by the reappearance of his old friend John Gilbert. Reforming the gang, they soon become the most wanted men in Australian history.
After two years on the road, bushranger Ben Hall considers surrendering to the law when his old friend John Gilbert entices him back into the game. Taking on a fresh recruit John Dunn, the gang ride again, before long becoming the most wanted men in the British Empire. When they are declared outlaw, the three decide to flee the colony forever. As Ben Hall seeks to make peace with his tortured past, the their trusted friend becomes a police informant. They set a cunning trap for the outlaws, and on the cold morning of May 5th 1865, Ben Hall emerges alone from his camp... and walks into legend forever.
As I am beginning to type my thoughts I know that I might upset some people. So I ask that you forgive my lack of knowledge on this matter. To begin I admit this movie was great. The scenery was amazing, awesome sights. The music I found went very well with the action and the emotions being portrayed. I enjoyed every moment. The only nag I had was Exactly what made this man a legend. This is my second movie of an Aussie Outlaw the first being The story of Ned Kelly Both were extremely well made and the scenes again very beautiful. But in this one I fail to see the grandeur of his how to say outlawness if that is a word. I know the movie doesn't show every robbery that he has done but is also failed to show us exploits that were done to earn him a title such as Legend. There is at one point were one of the men in the posse set out to catch his asks the others if they had ever dealt with Ben before and one man says yes and then another tells a story that you really can't tell if it was true or not but yet again the stories were ordinary stories nothing seemed exaggerated where as when men talk about a legend they always tend to make the story larger than life its self. After all isn't it part of being a legend to have people exaggerate your exploits. To me the only thing that seemed to be exaggerated is the title. The Legend of Ben Hall. OK you can throw your rocks at me know. But I did really much like the movie. as one review stated ,it gave a good glimpse into how life was back in those days and how far ones neighbours are in times of need. I personally love these type of Aussie movies.
I bought two copies of this movie, one for my friend and one for myself and also ordered the collector&#39;s edition.<br/><br/>Watched the DVD when I arrived at my friends&#39; home, as she has the BIG screen TV, I couldn&#39;t wait until I got home to watch it.<br/><br/>What can I say!! OMG! I KNEW this film, The Legend of Ben Hall, was going to be awesome! WOW!!! It&#39;s FANTASTIC! ALL Australian&#39;s should OWN their copy!<br/><br/>All the actors were FANTASTIC!! Loved the way Jamie Coffa portrayed John Gilbert! Loved that character! <br/><br/>The numerous places where this film was being done were beautiful. It shows the viewer the beauty of this great land of ours.<br/><br/>Matthew Holmes, the Director of this film, and his team, made it as authentic as they could. It was so authentic that in a couple of the shoot out scenes, the main characters reloaded their guns during the shoot outs. I have NEVER seen anyone reload their guns/pistols/rifles in ANY movie. I&#39;m sure you have sat and watched a western etc., where there is a shooting scene and they seem to have a bottomless pit of bullets in their weapons!<br/><br/>The costumes also were wonderful and definitely for the right period. The makeup was also amazing.<br/><br/>Congratulations to EVERYONE who was involved in the making of this GREAT Aussie film! All your special talents shone through it.<br/><br/>Do yourself and your family a favour! Go buy YOUR copy of this AMAZING film! You WONT be disappointed!


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