The The Green Hornet Hindi Dubbed Free Download

The The Green Hornet Hindi Dubbed Free Download


The The Green Hornet Hindi Dubbed Free Download

Playboy Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) becomes the new publisher of Los Angeles' "The Daily Sentinel" after the sudden death of his father. Britt's party life is about to change when he and his driver and kung fu expert, Kato (Jay Chou), stop a robbery. With the help of Kato, Britt starts a new career of fighting crime as the masked superhero "The Green Hornet".
Following the death of his father, Britt Reid, heir to his father's large company, teams up with his late dad's assistant Kato to become a masked crime fighting team.
Synopsis: The film starts off with a scene showing Seth Rogan around the age of 8. He has been sent to the office because he tried to save this girl from three bullies, thus setting up his altruistic nature. Fast Forward 20 years and Seth Rogan is a lazy spoiled no nothing who lives off the riches of his father&#39;s newspaper. When Seth Rogan&#39;s father dies from a bee sting Seth inherits his father&#39;s empire. Meeting Kato, played by Jay Chao, who was his father&#39;s mechanic he finds out that Kato is really good at fighting and making weapons. <br/><br/>In an incident where Kato and Seth are out in the town they accidentally save these two people from some thugs, the two get a taste of what it&#39;s like to be heroes and thus decide to become super heroes under the name of Green Hornet. Seth uses the newspaper as a promotional tool to hype up and spin all of the Green hornets doings so that he is perceived as a threat. This way he can cause havoc and not have the criminals attack him since he is also a bad guy. However the bad guys don&#39;t see it that way and see him as competition. <br/><br/>Review: I was really looking forward to this film because it looked like it had a lot of action, it seemed cool with all the cars and gadgets and it would be funny at the same time. Unfortunately I only laughed at about half the jokes and Seth Rogan&#39;s character kinda got on my nerves. <br/><br/>Seth, being the writer and producer on this film really went all out in this film and it wasn&#39;t really that Seth Rogan was playing a 3 dimensional character that had feelings and depth but more like Seth Rogan trying to be as Seth Rogan&#39;ee as he could and basically shouting and making his weird analogy, stop, different analogy comparisons all through the film. <br/><br/>The writing was really poor in this movie and there weren&#39;t too many scenes, besides the cameo scene in the very beginning that really grabbed you. Also Cameron Diaz&#39;s character was kind of a no nothing. I mean she was useful in the film as sort of a plot device but other than that she wasn&#39;t very interesting. Also there was a weird thing where they weren&#39;t killing the bad guys in the beginning, but then all of a sudden it&#39;s okay to shoot guns and bullets and kill the bad guys in the end. That weird tone switch is confusing. <br/><br/>The action was good...and man they spent a lot of money on all the action scenes, especially the last one but overall the poor writing and Seth being overly charactery took away what could of a been a fun time. It&#39;s still fun, but I&#39;d rather watch Rush Hour 2.
Before watching this movie, I was completely unfamiliar with anything Green Hornet. I&#39;d heard nothing good about the movie so I wasn&#39;t planning on watching it, but I found myself looking for something that might be entertaining without expectations. With expectations thus low, I enjoyed the Green Hornet. I thought it was childish and ridiculous, yet that was the way it was supposed to be, as everything was a joke. This is probably frustrating for any fans of old Green Hornet. <br/><br/>The two main characters who end up together through a rather funny tirade on coffee don&#39;t automatically get along, instead are arguing and fighting the whole way through. It&#39;s irritating in that I don&#39;t find it entertaining to watch people being stupid, however, from the beginning you know the main character is an irresponsible immature guy who does whatever he feels like, and the sidekick is a genius used to doing whatever he wants because he can, so without trying to defend their characters, I just found it honestly funny. <br/><br/>I liked Cameron Diaz as the no-nonsense secretary. The villain was highly entertaining. The fight scenes were mostly ridiculous but pretty fun anyway, and there was too much car-chase but then again the car was cool. With a tongue-in-cheek attitude all the way through, the movie delivered the entertainment I&#39;d wanted without the sloppiness I&#39;d expected.
A violent, clumsy, jokey, badly-plotted and miscast mess.
It&#39;s best to let Rogen himself speak about this subject. From Seth Rogen, writer and co-star of the upcoming The Green Hornet, told Sci Fi Wire that the film will possess elements of both comedy and action. &quot;To me, the two aren&#39;t mutually exclusive,&quot; said Rogen. &quot;You can have a big action epic with a lot of funny parts.&quot; Green Hornet is a big-screen adaptation of the superhero franchise, which was adapted as a popular 1960s television series and was inspired by the original radio program created in the 1930s. Hornet follows the adventures of Britt Reid, a bored playboy who inherits his father&#39;s crusading newspaper, the Daily Sentinel. By night he is a masked hero, fighting crime with his sidekick, Kato, who has incredible martial-arts skills. Rogen, whose film projects to date have been primarily comedic in nature, said that the forthcoming update will evoke other action films that feature an undercurrent of humor. &quot;I&#39;ve seen the early &#39;Indiana Jones&#39; movies in theaters, and they kill,&quot; Rogen said. &quot;There&#39;s laughs throughout the whole thing, and it doesn&#39;t feel like a comedy per se. It just feels like something that&#39;s trying to solicit reactions from the audience, and we think of movies like &#39;True Lies&#39; and stuff like that. That&#39;s more kind of what we&#39;re going for with this.&quot; Director Michel Gondry also has said this about the film&#39;s tone: &quot;It&#39;s an action movie with some comedy in it. The action will be fast and furious and the comedy will come from the dynamic between Kato and Britt Reid.&quot; Reportedly, he stepped down to work on a superhero spoof comedy starring Jack Black. It&#39;s called &quot;Live With Me&quot; by the Rolling Stones. a5c7b9f00b

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